2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Bathroomshelfuk.com, a domain just 104 days old, is running a fake store scam. The site is filled with misleading reviews from nonexistent customers and unfinished pages with placeholder text. The evidence suggests the operation is based in China. The goods sold are not genuine and could be hazardous due to poor-quality materials. Additionally, the website lists a bogus company address.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website that sells counterfeit or nonexistent products, often using deceptive reviews and false information to lure customers.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Fake store scams trick people into buying products that don’t exist. Scammers create websites that look like legitimate online stores. They use professional designs and convincing product descriptions. These sites often offer popular items at very low prices. Scammers promise fast shipping and great customer service. They may display fake reviews to build trust. After making a purchase, customers either receive nothing or a cheap substitute. The scammers then disappear, making refunds impossible. Scammers use social media ads to attract victims. They also send emails with enticing offers. These tactics make their fake stores seem real. People fall for these scams because they look so convincing.


Assuredgainers.ltd was recently discovered to be the mastermind behind a fraudulent investment scheme. They entice unsuspecting investors with the promise of substantial profits, only to disappear with their money once they invest. Many parts of their website are still a work in progress, filled with generic content and placeholder text. The company’s reviews are strangely […]


Leballonstore.com is operating a sham online store. All the photographs exhibited on their webpage are not genuine. The site has been plagiarizing material from different sites. When we discovered this, the website had only been active for 53 days. There is no way to contact customer service, as no number is provided. A significant number […]


Tradewealthbase.online, a relatively new website at just 79 days old, has been flagged by users for perpetuating a cryptocurrency scam. The site promises substantial profits, yet it seems that the fraudsters disappear after receiving deposits. Unfortunately, the site does not provide a customer service contact number. Additionally, several incomplete pages on the website are filled […]


Marcjacoshop.com is a virtual shopping platform that has come under fire for allegedly operating a fraudulent store scam. The products featured on this site are counterfeit and could pose safety risks due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website was just 28 days old when it was discovered. The site lacks a […]


Outletoutdooropt.com is a website that’s been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products displayed on the site are not genuine and could potentially pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials used in their creation. Interestingly, the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, it’s impossible to find any […]

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