12 months ago


Fake stores

Amplizone.shop is operating a counterfeit store swindle. The products offered on this site are fraudulent and could potentially pose risks due to the subpar materials used in their manufacture. The content on this site appears to be unoriginal, likely pulled from similar destinations on the web. When discovered, the website was a mere 29 days in existence. There is an absence of a customer service phone number on the website. The pictures used on the site are not genuine. Certain sections of the website are still incomplete and filled with filler text and placeholders. Furthermore, the firm has no visible presence on any social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a website, pretending to be a legitimate online store, offers counterfeit or non-existent products for sale. In most cases, these websites are freshly established and lack a strong social media presence. They often contain plagiarized content and use fake images to appear authentic. Additionally, these sites usually lack proper customer service channels, making it difficult to resolve issues or seek refunds.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake images
Fake promises
New website
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam happens when fraudsters create a fake online shop. These shops look legitimate, offering popular products at attractive prices. However, once you make a purchase, they will just take your money and won't send you the products you ordered. Usually, these scam websites are advertised through social media platforms. They use attractive images and impressive discount offers to lure in unsuspecting shoppers. The payment methods they accept often lack buyer protection, such as wire transfer or gift cards. It's important to be cautious when shopping online. Always check the website's credibility before making a purchase. Look for secure payment options, and be wary of prices that seem too good to be true. If you think you've been a victim of a fake store scam, contact your bank immediately to dispute the transaction and report the scam to your local authorities.


Kimcarrie.top operates a deceitful online store. Images shown on the site don’t truly mirror the actual items on sale. In terms of originality, the website falls short; it doesn’t seem to copy content from similar sites. These counterfeit products available on the platform may potentially be harmful due to the low-quality materials used during production. […]


Gammaprime.site, a recently established website, has attracted attention for all the wrong reasons. Consumers have raised concerns, alleging it to be a fraudulent crypto exchange platform. The website promises substantial returns on investments, only to disappear with the invested money. Despite claiming to be a registered company in a specific state, there’s no evidence to […]


Consumers have labelled Enigmaticaesthetics.com as a dubious online store, launching concerns over its authenticity. Although only 52 days old at the time of discovery, the website has already sparked suspicion. The products offered for purchase on this platform are not authentic, and their production involves the use of substandard materials, potentially posing a risk to […]


People have reported Meopromine.com for running a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise substantial returns on your investment. However, once you transfer the funds, they vanish with your money. The website does not provide a customer service number to address any issues you may have. The suspicious activity was spotted when the website was merely 77 […]


Orbitnitro.com, a newly launched website of only 78 days, has been flagged for suspicious activity. It’s working as a cryptocurrency exchange, but signs point to it being a scam. They lure potential investors with the promise of hefty profits. But once the investment is made, the money disappears into thin air, with the scammers nowhere […]

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