9 months ago


Investment scams

Alpinetradeio.com has been identified as an investment scam. The website promises huge returns, yet there are reports of deposits disappearing. The advertised online collaborations by this company are not real. You’ll find numerous under-construction pages on the site, filled with generic content and filler text. The images on the web page are misleading and do not accurately represent what is being sold. The website is a recent addition to the internet, the domain name was only 89 days old when this report was written. Interestingly, the site doesn’t offer a phone number for customer service. The content of the website gives off a suspicious vibe, appearing to mimic content from similar sites. The company is not present on any social media platforms. Also, the company has no visibility on well-known customer review platforms.

Investment scam is a fraudulent practice where a company or individual entices investors with the promise of high returns. They often use deceitful tactics, such as displaying misleading information or promising unrealistic returns. The investors are then tricked into depositing their money, which the scammers disappear with, leaving the investors at a loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers con individuals into parting with their money. This is done on the false promise of high returns or profits from investments. These scammers are adept in persuasion and manipulation. They use flashy websites and professional communication to look legitimate. Scammers may promise guaranteed returns or claim that their investment offer is a 'limited time' opportunity. In Ponzi or pyramid schemes, money invested by later participants is used to pay artificially high returns to earlier investors. This gives the illusion of a successful, high-return investment, until the scheme collapses. Other scams involve investments in unregulated or non-existent commodities or assets. Examples of these include precious metals, wine, or cryptocurrencies. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is! Be wary of any investment offering high returns with little to no risk.


Lluilema.com, a relatively new website at just 67 days old, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The lack of a customer support phone number raises suspicions, as does the presence of copied content from other websites, casting doubt on its originality. Furthermore, the products advertised on this site are not genuine. They are […]


Fxcmarketpros.com, a recently established site with a mere 54-day-old domain name, is unfortunately operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The company entices potential investors with the allure of substantial returns, only to abscond with their money once they commit to investing. A thorough search for any company reviews yielded no results, raising further suspicions. The website […]


You should be aware that Globalcrypttrading.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The site promises high returns on your investment, but once you’ve put your money in, the fraudsters vanish with your cash. Our investigation revealed several incomplete pages on their website, littered with standard content and placeholder text. Beyond the self-promotion on their […]


Bluetranstrade.com stands accused of operating a cryptocurrency scam. The site offers outlandish profits on investments. After the funds get sent, the fraudsters vanish with the money. Discovery of the scam occurred when the site was barely two weeks old. The business address listed on the site is a fabrication. Curiously the website possesses no social […]


Deokxdigitalglobal.com faces scrutiny over suspicions of orchestrating a crypto exchange scam. The website’s registration date was merely 43 days prior to the discovery of the possible fraud. Although they assured high returns on investment, once funds were transferred, the alleged fraudsters pocketed the money and vanished. The site features counterfeit reviews purportedly written by fabricated […]

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