1 week ago


Investment scams

Alphvach.com is a scam that tricks people into investing their money. They promise quick profits, but once you invest, they disappear with your cash. The address on their website is fake, and the site itself is very new, only 13 days old. There’s no phone number for customer service, and their social media accounts have no followers. Be careful and avoid investing with them.

An investment scam is when someone pretends to offer a good investment opportunity, but they just take your money and run.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters tricking individuals into investing money in fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They may use persuasive language and sophisticated tactics to appear legitimate. These scams frequently involve complex schemes or fake companies. Fraudsters may provide false documents, testimonials, or even fake websites to build trust. They often pressure potential victims to act quickly, claiming the opportunity is limited. Scammers target people from all walks of life. They exploit emotions, such as fear of missing out or greed. Once they secure the investment, they disappear, leaving victims with significant financial losses.


Paynesgray.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. Despite a thorough search, no reviews could be found on major consumer review platforms. The website is riddled with unfinished pages, default content, and placeholder text. It’s also noticeable that the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, there is no phone number […]


Establishapparel.com, an online shopping platform, was found to be operating a counterfeit store scam. This was discovered when the website was barely 52 days into its operation. Unfortunately, the reviews seen on the site are not genuine. The items for sale on this platform are merely knock-offs and could potentially be hazardous due to the […]


Truststakingoptions.com operates a crypto scam. The site promises substantial returns on your investment. However, once you invest, your money disappears into the hands of the scammers. Not a single review for the company can be located. The business lacks a presence on social media. Many pages on the website remain incomplete, filled with preset content […]


Kryptoelevate.com, a relatively new website at just 81 days old, is currently involved in a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The website falsely claims to operate under a business name that is not officially registered in the state where the company purports to be located. Furthermore, the partnerships that the company promotes on its website are completely […]


Leballonstore.com is operating a sham online store. All the photographs exhibited on their webpage are not genuine. The site has been plagiarizing material from different sites. When we discovered this, the website had only been active for 53 days. There is no way to contact customer service, as no number is provided. A significant number […]

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