10 months ago


Fake stores

A report indicates that Aliensandstrangersmusics.shop might be a sham. Only 27 days old at the time of discovery, the website raised suspicions. A missing phone number for customer service adds to the uncertainty. Stock images used for the products on sale do not inspire confidence. Multiple pages on the site reveal ongoing development, filled with preset content and placeholders. The company’s social media accounts lack any followers, adding to the suspicions.

A fake store scam involves creating a counterfeit online shop that mimics legitimate stores. The scammers use it to trick people into purchasing nonexistent products, often using stock photos, and lacking any real customer support. These fraudulent shops often have no social media presence or followers and are usually newly created websites.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Fake promises
New website
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceitful scheme where fraudsters create an online store that appears legitimate. They lure customers with extremely low prices on items, often too good to be true. Once a customer places an order and pays, either they never receive the product, or they get a counterfeit or inferior item. These scams are prevalent on social media platforms and email promotions. The scammers design professional-looking sites and use fake reviews to seem genuine. They often disappear shortly after scamming people, only to reappear under a different name. To avoid falling victim to such scams, it's crucial to do thorough research before buying from unfamiliar online stores. Look for clear red flags like prices that are way below the market rate, lack of contact information and poor website design. Use secure payment methods that provide buyer protection, and be wary of stores insisting on direct bank transfers. Remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe and shop wisely!


Digitalwealth-investment.com has come under scrutiny for potential fraudulent activity, specifically pertaining to crypto exchange scams. The physical location provided on the website does not match any existing businesses, raising immediate red flags. Furthermore, the website’s domain name is relatively new, with a mere 78 day lifespan at the time of investigation. The lack of external […]


The website Cambridgelux.com has been identified as an operation involved in investment fraud. The site makes grand promises of substantial returns on investments, however, once the investment is made, the fraudsters behind the scheme abscond with your funds. No reviews have been posted on major consumer review platforms endorsing the company. Their social media presence […]


Dalececilli.shop operates a deceptive scheme, posing as a legitimate online store. The items offered on this site are not genuine and may pose a risk due to the subpar materials used in their production. The content of the website is not original but a mere duplication of another source. Rather than using original images of […]


Stylish-wallpaper.com is operating an unauthentic online store. The website, barely two months old at the time it was spotted, lacks a customer service phone number for shoppers to contact. The content displayed on the site isn’t unique. Moreover, the images used to depict the products they are selling aren’t accurate representations. In addition, the company […]


Riverbendhomeus.shop has a reputation for being a sham. The website, only 32 days old at the time this report was written, appears to lack legitimacy. Its registration is recent, raising eyebrows among those knowledgeable about such scams. Furthermore, one noticeable omission is the absence of a customer service phone contact, which is a common feature […]

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