9 months ago


Fake stores

Abeautifulmesshome.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, presenting itself as a legitimate store when it’s not. The products it offers are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The content on the site doesn’t appear to be authentic, as it doesn’t seem to be duplicated from other similar websites. The images of the products on the site are just stock photos, not actual images of the items they’re selling. There’s no trace of any social media presence for this so-called business. The fraudulent nature of the site was discovered when it was still in its infancy. Unfortunately, there’s no listed phone number for customer service on the site, leaving customers without any direct line of communication.

A fake store scam is a deceptive scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online store. They often sell counterfeit products made from inferior materials, use stock images instead of actual product photos, and lack a social media presence or customer service contact information. The scam is usually detected early on, but not before some customers have been fooled.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves fraudsters creating an online storefront that mimics a legitimate business. They advertise products at incredibly cheap prices to lure unsuspecting shoppers. These scammers can copy the design and logo of established brands to convince customers they are legitimate. The products advertised can be anything from electronics to designer clothes. Often, they promise fast shipping and hassle-free returns to make their offers seem irresistible. However, after payment is made, the product is never delivered. Scammers commonly use social media platforms to promote their fake stores. They use sponsored posts and ads to reach a wide audience. They might also send phishing emails claiming to be from a popular retailer. The emails contain a link to their fake store, tricking people into making purchases. Sometimes, the scam is sophisticated enough to include fake customer reviews and testimonials. These create a sense of trust and authenticity. The scammer might also use secure payment methods to make their fake store seem credible.


Consumers have raised concerns about Liftcontech.com, alleging it to be an investment scam. They lure you with promises of high returns on your investment. However, once you transfer your funds, the fraudsters vanish with your money. The contact numbers provided on the website are no longer in service. The address details for the business, as […]


Dunscapitals.com, a website only 78 days old, is engaged in fraudulent investment activity. Despite its promise of substantial returns on your investment, you’re left empty-handed while the fraudsters disappear with your money. Unsurprisingly, the website lacks a customer support contact number. It’s also worth noting that the company’s absence on popular consumer review platforms and […]


Reports indicate Wealthextension.com is a fraudulent investment platform. They make promises of substantial returns on investment, however, once you’ve invested, the fraudsters disappear, leaving you with a significant loss. Moreover, much of the website is still unfinished, filled with placeholder text and default content. Strikingly, the company has no presence on social media platforms, which […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Expertearners.com, alleging that it’s an investment scam. The website promises impressive percentage growth on initial investments, but when you entrust them with your money, they disappear. It’s concerning that there are no reviews for the company on any major consumer review platforms. The website is filled with pages still in […]


Activebodypros.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a front for a fraudulent operation. This discovery was made when the site was just 48 days old. Interestingly, there’s no contact number listed for customer service, which raises red flags. The website’s originality is questionable, as it bears a striking resemblance to other similar sites. […]

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