Customers have raised concerns about, alleging that it’s a fraudulent online store. The goods on offer are said to be replicas, and their safety is questionable due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The content on the website doesn’t appear to be unique, raising further doubts about its legitimacy. Furthermore, the company seems to have little to no presence on social media, which is unusual for a legitimate business. A notable red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number, which is typically a standard feature for reputable online stores.
A fake store scam is when a fraudulent website is set up to look like a legitimate online store. The scammer behind the site will often use copied or fake products to lure in unsuspecting customers. Once a purchase is made, the customer either receives a counterfeit item or nothing at all. The lack of customer service and a return policy makes it nearly impossible for the customer to get their money back.