2 weeks ago


Collection scam

A new site called 247trade.icu is running a scam. They promise huge returns on investments, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. There’s no customer service phone number available. The site’s content looks copied from other similar sites, making it clear that it’s not genuine.

A collection scam tricks people into investing money with promises of high returns, only for the scammers to vanish with the funds.

Red Flags

Copycat content

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A collection scam involves fraudsters pretending to be debt collectors. They often contact individuals claiming they owe money. Scammers use aggressive tactics, such as threats of legal action or arrest. They create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into paying immediately. False promises frequently include settling the debt for a reduced amount. Scammers may also promise to remove negative marks from credit reports. They often demand payment through untraceable methods like wire transfers or prepaid cards. The fraudsters typically have some personal information about the victim. This adds credibility to their claims. They might use official-sounding language and fake documents. They may even spoof caller IDs to appear legitimate.


Many consumers have lodged complaints against primecryptomine.com, accusing it of operating a fraudulent investment scheme. At the time these deceptive practices were identified, the website was a mere 224 days old. Surprisingly, there is no customer support contact number listed on the site. Moreover, the photographs displayed on the platform are not genuine. The content […]


Firsttrustoption.com operates an investment scheme designed to deceive. The promise of significant returns lures potential investors. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear with the money. The business has no social media presence to speak of. A review of the website reveals numerous incomplete pages, riddled with default content and placeholder text. The […]


Consumers have raised complaints about Fxempire.live, accusing it of operating an investment fraud. They lure you with promises of substantial returns on your investment, but once you put your money in, the fraudsters take it and disappear. Several pages on their website are still under construction, filled with default text and placeholder material. The scam […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Liftcontech.com, alleging it to be an investment scam. They lure you with promises of high returns on your investment. However, once you transfer your funds, the fraudsters vanish with your money. The contact numbers provided on the website are no longer in service. The address details for the business, as […]


Reports have surfaced that Amarylliscrystalportal.shop is a fraudulent online store. The content on the website is not unique, and the items up for sale are not authentic. These items could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used during their manufacture. The images displayed on the site are not real. Unfortunately, the site lacks […]

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