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AI – The scammer’s new best friend

AI – The scammer’s new best friend

To begin, listen to this example:

As you may have inferred, the voicemail supposedly from Morgan Freeman to Marylin Monroe was not authentic; it was an AI-generated demonstration of the capabilities of this technology.

Artificial Intelligence has undoubtedly made its presence known, and its impact is undeniable. While this advanced technology offers a plethora of benefits and possibilities, there is a growing concern that it can also be utilized by unscrupulous individuals to deceive people and cheat them out of their finances.

Scam attempts will become more sophisticated due to advances in AI technology, making it easier for scammers to appear more believable. With the help of AI, they can create convincing scams that can easily fool unsuspecting individuals. But let’s skip the small talk and jump right into some examples.

Scammers will utilize AI voice cloning tools

As more people fell victim to scams, it became common knowledge that scammers often had foreign accents and sounded unprofessional. But that’s about to change with the advent of AI technology.

Robotic-sounding computer generated voices are a thing of the past.

The IRS Scam on steroids

Scammers posing as the IRS, mostly from the India-Pakistan region, would leave intimidating voicemail messages for individuals, asserting that they were calling from the IRS and that the individual owed unpaid taxes that required immediate attention, or else legal action would ensue.

Nevertheless, before the advent of AI, scammers had to rely on their own voices to leave voice messages, and their accents and unprofessional style of speaking often gave away the fact that it was a scam.

Using only six publicly accessible clips of Mr. Freeman’s interviews, we taught the AI to mimic his voice, and the remainder was as straightforward as inputting a script.

Imagine receiving voice messages through this technology, where the speaker imitates the tone, and style, and speaks impeccable English, like that of a government agent. The well-known phrase, “don’t believe everything you hear,” takes on a whole new significance in this scenario.

Another possible scenario

In the latest findings, it has been reported that millions of dollars are being lost to dating scams every year, with the primary target being individuals in their 40s and 50s. Let’s cover the basics first.

Dating scammers operate through online dating websites or social media platforms such as Facebook, and use the photographs of unsuspecting people to assume fake identities and initiate romantic relationships with their targets.

Here is a simple example

Once they have gained the trust of their victim, these fraudsters then devise stories of being in dire need of financial assistance. These reasons range from being involved in a car accident to being stranded overseas, or even worse, having been abducted by insurgents during military operations. It’s a cruel game of deceit, which has caused significant financial loss and heartbreak to many innocent individuals who were seeking love and companionship.

In the past, scammers had limited means of communication, primarily relying on text-based interactions that concealed their true identity and voice.

However, with the availability of AI technology, these fraudsters can now leverage its capabilities to generate realistic voicemails and even engage in phone conversations by typing messages that are then converted into synthesized speech by the AI.

This elevates their deception to a whole new level, as they can now manipulate their victims with greater ease and credibility, posing a serious threat to unsuspecting individuals.

The advancement of this technology is progressing at an astronomical pace, with video AI generators becoming increasingly sophisticated with each passing day. In the near future, it is conceivable that anyone will have the ability to create a video that is indistinguishable from a real-life recording of an individual and manipulate it to say anything they desire.

This represents a new level of technological advancement, raising concerns about the potential abuse of this technology for unethical purposes, including the spread of false information and the fabrication of events. The implications of this rapid progress must be carefully examined, to ensure that this technology is not misused to harm or deceive others.

In conclusion

While the above-discussed cases demonstrate how AI technology can be exploited to facilitate scams, they represent only a fraction of the potential applications of this technology in fraudulent activities. We anticipate that there will be numerous other ways in which scammers will utilize AI to further their nefarious objectives, and we are closely monitoring these developments.

To safeguard against the looming threat of AI-driven scams, spreading public awareness remains the most viable solution. While such technologies have yet to be employed in fraudulent activities, it is widely anticipated that it’s only a matter of time before they are.

You can play an active role in combating scams by spreading awareness among your friends and family. Please consider sharing this post with your social network to help educate others about the risks associated with these fraudulent activities and the steps they can take to protect themselves.

Together, we can create a safer and more secure environment for all.

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