4 days ago


Fake stores

Bringjoycollesl.shop runs a fake store scam. The products shown on this online store are fake and could be unsafe due to poor materials. The scam was found when the site was just 26 days old. There’s no customer service phone number listed. The website’s content is clearly copied from other similar sites. The company has no presence on major consumer review platforms.

A fake store scam involves a website that pretends to sell products but delivers nothing or low-quality items.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online shop. Scammers design these sites to look like legitimate businesses. They often offer popular products at very low prices. The goal is to lure customers into making purchases. Scammers use high-quality images and convincing product descriptions. They may also include fake customer reviews. These tactics build trust and encourage people to buy items. After payment, the products never arrive, or they receive counterfeit goods. Common promises include limited-time discounts and free shipping. They might claim exclusive deals or rare items in stock. Scammers often urge quick action by suggesting limited quantities. This creates a false sense of urgency.


Binvestltd.com has been found to be a scam. They promise big earnings if you invest, but once you do, they vanish with your money. As of now, the website is only 19 days old. The company has no followers on social media. There are no reviews for them on popular review sites. The website doesn’t […]


Pointbillfinance.com, a relatively new website, is currently operating a scam related to cryptocurrency exchange. The site, which is just over 100 days old, promises significant percentage growth on initial investments. However, after investors deposit their funds, the fraudsters disappear with the money. The website is incomplete, with many pages still containing default content and placeholder […]


Loverainstorm.com, a 57-day-old website, has been identified as perpetrating a fake store scam. The site offers no phone contact for customer service, raising suspicions. Moreover, a close examination of the website’s content reveals a striking similarity with other sites of the same genre, hinting at a lack of originality. The site features articles that promote […]


Our investigation reveals that Usbathroomsales.com is a dishonest online operation. The deceptive nature of this site came to light when it was barely two months old. A thorough examination of the site’s content revealed numerous similarities with other websites, indicating a dearth of original content. What this online store offers are counterfeit products, made with […]


Cryptocurrencya.net is under suspicion for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. There’s no customer service number provided on the site, and the business isn’t registered in the state it purports to be. Many of the website’s pages are still under construction, populated with pre-written content and placeholder text. The site gives the impression of high returns […]

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