4 days ago


Fake stores

A new website, Marywomens.com, runs a fake store scam. The products sold there aren’t real and might be dangerous due to poor quality materials. The company doesn’t have any social media accounts. No reviews exist outside of their own site. The website is 87 days old. It also doesn’t provide a customer service phone number.

A fake store scam involves a website selling counterfeit or non-existent products, often using low-quality materials and lacking proper customer support.

Red Flags

Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store to deceive customers. Scammers design these websites to look like legitimate retailers, complete with professional layouts and enticing deals. They often promise significant discounts on popular products, making the offers hard to resist. These fake stores may use stolen images and fake reviews to build credibility. Scammers typically require upfront payments and provide no contact information or fake contact details. After receiving the money, they either send counterfeit items or nothing at all. Scammers use social media and search engine ads to attract victims. They might also create urgency by claiming limited stock or time-sensitive offers. Once the scam is discovered, they often shut down the site and create new ones to continue their fraudulent activities.


Realaiacademy.com is suspected of operating an education scam. The website, only 145 days old at the time of this report, lacks a customer service contact number. Graphics on the site don’t accurately represent the product being sold. Moreover, the company seems to be absent from social media platforms. An education scam involves a fraudulent scheme […]


Xpressmines.com is currently conducting a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure investors with the promise of high returns, only to disappear with the invested money once it’s received. The website, at the time of this report, had been active for 97 days. The contact numbers provided on the site are non-functional, and the address listed as […]


Assetsgrowths.net has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. This website, which has been active for 102 days at the time of this report, entices investors with the promise of high returns. However, the reality is that the scammers behind the website take the invested money and disappear. The website does not provide a customer […]


Ultimatetradefx.com finds itself in the spotlight for potential fraudulent activity. Promises of extraordinary profit entice you to invest, yet once you do, the fraudsters take the cash and disappear. The business’s physical address listed on the site is not genuine. The name the site claims to run under doesn’t hold registration in the state it […]


Global-trades.org operates an illicit crypto exchange. Detected merely 29 days post-launch, it promises massive profits, yet deposits mysteriously disappear. It lacks a customer service contact number. A fabricated business address graces the website. The touted online partnerships are pure fiction. Numerous pages brimming with generic content and placeholder text litter the site. Overseas ownership claims […]

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