4 days ago


Fake stores

Gandhiappliances.shop is a scam. The products on this site are fake and could be dangerous because of poor materials used. The pictures shown don’t match the actual items. The content on the site is copied from other similar sites. When checked, the website was only 25 days old. You won’t find any customer service phone number on it.

A fake store scam tricks people into buying counterfeit or non-existent items using a fraudulent website.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store that mimics a legitimate retailer. Scammers design these sites to look professional and trustworthy. They often use stolen logos and images from real companies. These fake stores lure customers with promises of deep discounts and exclusive deals. They advertise heavily on social media and search engines. Their products often seem too good to be true in terms of price and availability. Scammers use various tactics to deceive people. They may provide fake tracking numbers or delay shipping to buy time. Customer service is usually non-existent or unresponsive. Victims typically receive counterfeit items or nothing at all. These scams exploit the trust and eagerness of online shoppers.


We found out that Boatspartsdepot.com is running a fake store scam. The site has fake reviews from made-up customers. This scam was discovered when the website was just 109 days old. The products sold here are knock-offs and could be dangerous due to low-quality materials. Many pages on the site have unfinished content and placeholder […]


Intellprofits.com is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They’ve been enticing people with the promise of quick money growth. However, once you invest your money, these tricksters seize your funds and disappear without a trace. Interestingly, the contact numbers publicly listed on the website have turned out to be disconnected. Moreover, Intellprofits.com is conspicuously absent […]


Headphonesonline.us is a fraudulent online store that falsely claims to offer a huge discount on headphones. The website has only been online for 19 days as of the first complaint, having been registered in February of 2023. Unfortunately, the lack of a customer support number and other concerning factors suggest that this website is not […]


A new website called Propcrowdbrokers.com is running an investment scam. They promise high returns on your money, but once you invest, they disappear with your cash. The site was just 10 days old when discovered. There is no phone number for customer service. Major review platforms have no reviews about them. The company lacks a […]


Binaryoptionllc.com is running an investment scam. The website was just 10 days old when detected. No customer service phone number is available on the site. The company has no presence on social media. They promise huge profits if you invest, but once you do, the scammers take your money and disappear. An investment scam tricks […]

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