3 weeks ago


Fake stores

A new website, Princesspollyav.shop, runs a fake store scam. The site lacks authenticity and uses fake photos. Goods sold here aren’t original and might be dangerous due to low-quality materials. Many pages on the site are incomplete, filled with generic text and placeholders. The company’s social media accounts have no followers, raising further doubts about its legitimacy.

Princesspollyav.shop is a scam site pretending to sell goods, using fake photos and low-quality items.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No social media
A fake store scam involves setting up a fraudulent online shop that looks legitimate. Scammers often use high-quality images and professional designs to create a convincing facade. They promise incredible discounts and deals to lure in unsuspecting customers. These offers usually seem too good to be true, and they often are. Scammers use stolen images and fake reviews to build trust. They may claim to sell popular or high-demand items at unbeatable prices. Once a customer places an order, the scammer takes the payment but never delivers the product. Sometimes, they send counterfeit or substandard goods instead. These fake stores often have limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency. They might also offer vague or nonexistent return policies. Many fake stores disappear after a short period, leaving no trace behind.


Capitalviva.com runs an investment scam. The website is just 19 days old. No customer service phone is listed. The company barely exists on social media. They promise big profits, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The website has many unfinished pages with default content and placeholder text. Investment scams trick people into […]


The website Premiumfxcrypto.online has raised concerns due to its potential involvement in a crypto exchange scam. The site’s registration is recent, with the domain name only 15 days old at the time of this report. It creates an illusion of potential high returns on investment, but after investment, the fraudsters take the money and vanish. […]


Nathananna.com, a recently established website, appears to be a fraudulent online store. The domain name’s age is just 52 days at the time of this investigation. There’s no phone number provided for customer service, which is a red flag. The content on the site lacks uniqueness, hinting at possible duplication from similar websites. The products […]


Bosstrading.net is a fraudulent investment site. When discovered, it had been online for just 148 days. There’s no customer service phone number listed. The site is run by people or a company from another country. You won’t find any social media profiles for this business. Major consumer review platforms have no reviews for this company. […]


Earrings-usa.com is, unfortunately, operating under fraudulent pretenses. This website markets counterfeit items, creating potential risks due to the poor quality materials used in their production. The merchandise photos displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they purportedly sell. Notably, the website’s content markedly resembles that of other similar sites, undermining its distinctiveness. […]

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