3 weeks ago


Fake stores

Vaaret.shop has been flagged as a fake store scam. The site seems to have copied content. The products shown are likely fake and could be dangerous because of poor materials. The images on the site are not real. This website doesn’t have any social media accounts. You won’t find any reviews outside of their own pages.

A fake store scam tricks people into buying products that don’t exist or are of very poor quality.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online shop that appears legitimate. Scammers design these websites to mimic real stores, complete with professional layouts and product images. They often lure customers with promises of huge discounts and limited-time offers. These fake stores typically advertise through social media and email campaigns. They may use stolen logos and brand names to appear credible. Scammers often require payment through non-refundable methods like wire transfers or prepaid cards. Once a customer makes a purchase, the scammers either send counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Victims find it difficult to recover their money. The fake store usually disappears after a short period, leaving no trace.


Chicsweater.com, a newly established website, has been exposed for running a deceptive operation. It’s just 56 days old from the time of this report. It’s not easy to get in touch with any customer service as the site lacks a contact phone number. Interestingly, it seems to mimic other similar websites, using their content as […]


Feitelectrice.com, a relatively new online platform, is involved in a deceptive scheme. The website, only 91 days old, has been found to be operating a fake store scam. It trades in counterfeit goods, which may pose risks due to the inferior quality of the components used to make them. The website’s administration appears to be […]


Consumers have flagged Hedgecapitaloptions.com as a deceptive forex scheme. The fraud came to light when the website was merely 121 days old. A missing customer service phone number is one of its glaring issues. Furthermore, the business isn’t registered in the state it purports to operate from. The company’s website boasts of partnerships that, upon […]


Customers have raised concerns about Chicfurnitureopt.com, alleging that the website is part of a counterfeit store operation. The content on the site seems to have been copied from other sources, and the products offered are suspect due to their subpar quality materials. The website utilizes counterfeit images, and numerous unfinished pages filled with placeholder text […]


Ushousewareoutlet.com is currently operating an illicit online store. Discovered just 45 days after its establishment, the website’s authenticity is suspicious due to the evident duplication of content from other websites. The items available for purchase are counterfeit, posing potential harm due to the substandard materials used in their creation. Images displayed on the site fail […]

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