6 days ago


Investment scams

Strategicvestpro.com runs an investment scam. The website is only 17 days old. The business location they list is fake, and the phone numbers don’t work. They promise big returns on your investment, but once you invest, they take your money and vanish. The company isn’t on major consumer review sites. It also has no presence on social media.

Investment scams trick people into giving money with promises of high returns. The scammers then disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam tricks people into putting their money into fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They claim their investment is a "sure thing" or "guaranteed" to succeed. These scammers use persuasive tactics to gain trust. They may present fake testimonials or forged documents. They often pressure victims to act quickly, creating a sense of urgency. Scammers also exploit social proof by showing fake endorsements from celebrities or reputable organizations. They may use complex jargon to confuse and impress potential investors. By the time victims realize the truth, their money is already gone. They may use sophisticated websites and professional-looking materials to appear legitimate.


The online shop known as Pimpmyoffice.shop is operating under suspicious circumstances. It appears to be a fraudulent store, with no social media followers to speak of. The lack of reviews on well-known consumer review websites further raises eyebrows. The website itself is incomplete, with many pages still in draft form, filled with generic content and […]


Exadobit.com carries the label of an investment scam. The site promises massive returns on investments, yet when you transfer your funds, they vanish into thin air—stolen by the scammers. Stock images serve as substitutes for actual product images on the website. The content on this site lacks uniqueness, appearing to be copied from similar online […]


Consumers have flagged Layantaliachokr.com for operating an investment scam. The website, only 145 days old at the time of the report, is not legally set up in the state it purports to be. The images displayed on the site do not accurately depict the product on offer. Furthermore, the company’s presence on social media platforms […]


Mosheprada.com, a website suspected of operating a fraudulent online store, has been identified. The gathered data suggests that the site’s operations are rooted in China. When this report was prepared, the website had been active for 93 days. The products displayed on this website are dubious, possibly posing a risk due to the poor quality […]


Stinkaitly.com, a website that has been active for 92 days, is operating a fraudulent online store. The items listed for sale on this platform are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The physical address listed for the business on the site is fictitious. The website’s content appears to be […]

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