1 week ago


Investment scams

Bitshumb-tradetrust.com has been identified as an investment scam. This recently registered website, only 13 days old at the time of reporting, entices investors with promises of high returns. However, once the money is deposited, the scammers disappear with the funds. The company behind the site is based in a foreign country and lacks any reviews or social media followers, further raising suspicions about its legitimacy.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme that promises high returns to lure investors, only to steal their money.

Red Flags

Foreign company
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters tricking individuals into investing money in fake or misleading opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They may claim to have insider information or exclusive access to lucrative deals. They use persuasive tactics to build trust and create a sense of urgency. Scammers might provide fake testimonials, fabricated documents, and professional-looking websites. They often pressure victims to act quickly, suggesting that the opportunity is limited. Fraudsters also exploit emotions, appealing to greed or fear of missing out. They may use complex jargon to appear knowledgeable and credible. Once they collect the money, they disappear, leaving the victims with significant financial losses.


Babyworldchic.com, a website that’s been active for just 52 days, is orchestrating a counterfeit store scam. It appears to be based in China, and the products offered on the site are not genuine. The low-quality materials used in their production could potentially pose risks. The pictures displayed on the site are not authentic, adding to […]


Pazecaphub.com, a website just over three months old, is under scrutiny for running a crypto exchange scam. The site promises significant returns, yet reports indicate that the scammers disappear with the deposits. Despite their claims of operation, there is no evidence of the company’s registration in the stated state. Also, their presence is notably absent […]


Jamphel.com, a website that’s been around for 67 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. There’s no contact number listed for customer service, which is a red flag. The website’s content appears to be a carbon copy of other sites, which diminishes its authenticity. It’s also noticeable that the products showcased use stock […]


Integratedglobalventures.com is flagged as an investment scam. The site was only 11 days old when reported. It promises big returns on your investment, but once you deposit money, the scammers disappear with it. The company lacks any presence on social media. The business address listed is fake. You won’t find a customer service number anywhere. […]


Exchainvest.com has been accused of operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure investors with promises of high returns, but once funds are deposited, the scammers vanish, absconding with the money. Surprisingly, no reputable consumer review platforms have any feedback on this company. Additionally, Exchainvest.com is completely absent from social media. The website itself is riddled […]

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