1 week ago


Fake stores

Eronjohnsonantiquess.shop is a scam. The website looks fake, copying content from other sites. The items for sale aren’t real and could be dangerous because they use bad materials. When we checked, the site was only 10 days old. Many pages were incomplete, showing default text and placeholders. You won’t find this company on any social media.

A fake store scam tricks people into buying items that don’t exist or are of very poor quality.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online retail site. Scammers design these sites to look like legitimate stores, often mimicking well-known brands. They promise high-quality products at unbelievably low prices. Attractive deals lure unsuspecting customers. Scammers often use professional photos and detailed descriptions to make the products seem real. They may also offer limited-time offers to rush customers into making quick decisions. Fake reviews and testimonials add to the illusion of authenticity. These sites usually ask for upfront payment. Once the payment is made, customers either receive counterfeit items or nothing at all. Customer service contacts are typically unresponsive or non-existent. These tactics make it difficult for victims to get their money back.


A new website called Afflinkoutprog.com is running an investment scam. Authorities found out about it when the site was just 161 days old. It doesn’t show a customer service phone number. There’s no mention of its official business name. The pictures on the site don’t match the products they claim to sell. The company has […]


Intellprofits.com is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They’ve been enticing people with the promise of quick money growth. However, once you invest your money, these tricksters seize your funds and disappear without a trace. Interestingly, the contact numbers publicly listed on the website have turned out to be disconnected. Moreover, Intellprofits.com is conspicuously absent […]


Promoopenairus.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The content on this site is not original, but rather, it’s copied from other websites. The items for sale on this platform are counterfeit, and the low-quality materials used in their production could potentially pose safety hazards. The business location information provided on the site is […]


Officialopenairus.com has been flagged as a deceptive online store. The images showcased on the website don’t truthfully represent the items they’re selling. When the site was discovered, it was merely 93 days old. The content on the site seems to be replicated from other similar websites, indicating a lack of originality. Our investigation reveals that […]


Consumers have flagged Trustedjewe.com for operating a fraudulent online store. When this report was made, the website had been active for 131 days. Notably, it lacks a customer service phone number. The images featured on the site are not genuine. Furthermore, the company has barely any presence on social media. A fake store scam involves […]

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