1 week ago


Fake stores

Artrockstorest.shop is a scam. They have no social media profiles. The company lacks presence on major review platforms. Items sold on this site are fake and could be dangerous due to low-quality materials. The images on the website don’t accurately show the products. There’s no official business name displayed. The site doesn’t provide a phone number for customer support.

Beware of fake store scams. These sites sell counterfeit items and often lack proper contact information or online presence.

Red Flags

Fake images

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online shop to trick people into making purchases. Scammers often promise unbelievably low prices on popular items. They use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions to make the store appear legitimate. They commonly offer limited-time discounts to create a sense of urgency. Payment methods are usually restricted to wire transfers or prepaid cards, making it difficult for victims to get their money back. Customer service is either non-existent or unresponsive. The website may also have fake reviews and testimonials to build trust. Scammers might also use social media ads to lure potential victims. They often replicate the look of well-known brands to deceive shoppers.


The 47brandshop.shop website is a sham, having recently been registered. Its existence is still in its infancy, being only 26 days old at the time of the report. There’s no trace of any customer service contact number for this online store. It seems to mimic other similar websites, using duplicated content to lure customers. The […]


Mjmerchtm.com has been flagged as a deceptive online store. When the warning was issued, the website had only been active for 29 days. A glaring omission is the lack of a customer service phone number. Additionally, the content on the site doesn’t appear to be original. In fact, it seems to have been lifted from […]


Customers have raised red flags about Minersera.org, accusing the website of running an investment scheme. Although they paint a picture of potential high returns from investing, the reality is that once you hand over your money, the culprits vanish. The website lacks a social media following, and a thorough search of popular consumer review websites […]


Customers have raised concerns about Leatherupus.shop, suggesting it might be a fraudulent online store. The content of this website appears to be unoriginal, seemingly duplicating material from other similar online platforms. The merchandise offered on this platform doesn’t seem to be authentic, which could pose potential risks due to the poor-quality materials used in their […]


Priming.digital has been identified as partaking in fraudulent investment activities. They promise hefty returns on investments, but once you invest, the money disappears into the pockets of the fraudsters. The company’s social media presence is non-existent, with zero followers across all platforms. The products they advertise on their website are represented with generic stock images. […]

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