1 week ago


Investment scams

Zendfinancials.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The website was just 11 days old when detected. Customer service phone numbers listed on the site don’t work. The address given for the company is fake. They attract investors by promising high returns on initial investments, but scammers take the money and disappear. Major review platforms show no reviews for the site. It also has no presence on social media

Investment scams trick people into putting money into fake opportunities, promising high returns but stealing the funds instead.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam tricks individuals into putting money into fake or deceptive investment opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They use persuasive language and fabricated success stories to gain trust. Scammers may create fake websites or use social media to appear legitimate. They often pressure victims to act quickly, claiming the opportunity is limited. Some even use official-looking documents to appear credible. These scams can involve fake stocks, real estate, or cryptocurrency. Victims usually discover the fraud only after their money is gone. Scammers often disappear without a trace, leaving no way to recover the lost funds.


Mvmt-watch.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online shopping site. The discovery of the scam happened when the site was only 53 days into its operation. A noticeable absence of a customer service contact number on the website raises concerns. To add to the suspicion, the site has been found to plagiarise content from other […]


Reports have flagged Metroprime.ltd as an investment fraud. The company baits potential investors with promises of high returns. However, once an investment has been made, they pocket the money and disappear. The website contains numerous undeveloped pages filled with unedited content and placeholder notes. The partnerships they claim to have on their website are a […]


Pixumaiapp.com runs a crypto scam. The company lacks a presence on social media. Major consumer review platforms have no reviews for them. The website was just 9 days old when detected. No customer service phone number is available on the site. They promise big earnings through investments, but once you invest, the scammers take the […]


Mobilfundos.com is operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme. The website, only 120 days old when discovered, displays non-operational phone numbers. The information provided on the site is deceptive, with the alleged business location proving nonexistent. The company’s social media accounts lack any followers. Investors are lured with the promise of substantial profits. However, once the investment […]


Reports suggest that Fare-trades.com is a fraudulent investment site. They lure potential investors with the promise of hefty returns on their investments. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the funds. Notably, the company lacks any reviews on renowned consumer review websites. The information published on the website appears copied, bearing striking […]

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