1 week ago


Investment scams

Norsikaltd.com is a fraudulent investment site. They promise huge returns, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. Scammers were caught just 10 days after the site launched. No customer support phone number is available. The company isn’t listed on major review sites. It also has no social media presence. The images on the site are not real.

Investment scams trick people by promising high returns, then stealing their money once they invest.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing individuals to invest money in fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They may claim to have insider information or exclusive deals. These offers sound too good to be true. Scammers use persuasive tactics to build trust. They might pose as professionals or create fake testimonials. They often pressure victims to act quickly. This urgency prevents people from taking time to research. Fraudsters may also use complex jargon to confuse their targets. They make the investment seem sophisticated and legitimate. Victims feel flattered and special for being included. Once the money is handed over, it disappears. Scammers become difficult to contact. The promised returns never materialize.


People report Tradehapper.com as an investment scam. A foreign company runs the site. The partnerships listed on the website are fake. No business exists at the provided address. The website was registered recently. When this report was made, the domain name was just 17 days old. The company’s social media presence is almost non-existent. An […]


Mykentonstrade.com, a website that has recently surfaced, is involved in fraudulent activities. With promises of high returns, they lure people to invest money, only to vanish once the transactions are made. Although the website has no reviews outside of its own pages, it is alarming that it has no following on any social media channels. […]


Fxzartrade.com, a notorious website, has been caught red-handed operating an investment fraud. They lure unsuspecting individuals with the temptation of high returns on investments. However, the reality is far from this. The moment you invest your hard-earned money, these swindlers disappear into thin air, leaving you high and dry. The website’s social media presence is […]


People have flagged Navinvestx.com as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, only four months old at the time of discovery, lacks a customer service phone number. It claims to be registered in a specific state, but there’s no record of the business name in that state’s registry. The address listed on the site is a […]


Reports are circulating about Cloudsignals.online and its alleged fraudulent activities. They lure investors with the promise of lucrative returns, but those who take the bait soon find that their money has vanished without a trace. Strangely enough, no reviews of the website can be found anywhere except on the website itself. Despite its online presence, […]

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