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Investment scams

Megadextrade.com has been identified as an investment scam. The company has no presence on major consumer review platforms and lacks social media visibility. Despite promising high returns, the scammers disappear with your money once you invest. The website was flagged as fraudulent when it was just 377 days old. Additionally, it does not provide a customer support phone number, and the listed business address is fake.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers promise high returns to lure investors, only to steal their money.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters tricking people into putting their money into fake or non-existent investment opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They use persuasive tactics to create a sense of urgency, pressuring individuals to invest quickly. They may present fake testimonials and fabricated success stories to build credibility. Often, they use official-sounding language and professional-looking documents to appear legitimate. They might also claim to have insider information or exclusive opportunities that are not available to the general public. Scammers frequently target vulnerable individuals, including the elderly and those in financial distress. They may communicate through phone calls, emails, or social media platforms. Once the money is transferred, it becomes difficult to track or recover.


Thedealalfresco.com, a recently launched website, is under suspicion for conducting a fraudulent store scam. The domain name, at the time of this investigation, was barely 92 days old. The business address provided on the site is misleading, and the images displayed don’t accurately depict the products being sold. The merchandise offered on this digital platform […]


People have reported Explicitcrypt.com for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises attractive returns on your investments, but once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The business address provided on the website doesn’t exist in reality. When the scam was discovered, the website had only been active for 98 days. The site […]


On February 20, 2023, a user on ScamGuard reported Bilionhash.com as a cryptocurrency scam. Bilionhash.com is a recently registered domain name, with its registration date being January 18, 2023. The ownership of the website is concealed by a third-party privacy service, and no customer support number or physical address is provided. Despite our efforts, we […]


Consumers have flagged Earnbetainvestments.com as a dubious crypto exchange operation. The website, merely 20 days old at discovery, purportedly runs under a business name that lacks registration in the stated company location. The provided information on the site misleads, with a non-existent business at the specified address. A missing customer service phone number on the […]


Bathroom-plumbing.com is a dubious online store that we’ve recently identified as fraudulent. Its registration details reveal that it’s a relatively new site, having been set up only 56 days ago. A concerning aspect is the absence of a customer service phone number, which is typically a red flag for fraud. Moreover, it’s clear that this […]

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