1 week ago


Investment scams

Elite-crest.com, a recently registered domain, is running an investment scam. At the time of this report, the domain was only 10 days old. Managed by foreign entities, the website falsely claims a business location and lists non-functional customer service numbers. Additionally, it lacks any social media presence, further indicating its fraudulent nature.

An investment scam is a deceptive scheme where fraudsters trick individuals into investing money with the promise of high returns, only to steal the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Foreign company
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing individuals to invest money in fake or dubious schemes. They often promise extremely high returns with little or no risk. Scammers use persuasive language and fabricated testimonials to build trust. They frequently present opportunities as exclusive or time-sensitive to pressure quick decisions. These scams may use official-looking documents and websites to appear legitimate. Scammers might also impersonate reputable financial institutions or professionals. Victims are often told their investments are in stocks, real estate, or new technologies. However, the money is typically used for the scammer's gain. They may provide false updates to maintain the illusion of a profitable investment. Once the scammer has collected enough funds, they disappear, leaving investors with significant losses.


People suspect that Criptov.com is a scam posing as a cryptocurrency exchange. The website was only 24 days old at the time of reporting. There is no customer service phone number provided on the site. False reviews from invented customers are displayed on the site. They promise you high gains on your investment, but after […]


Fragranceoutlets.shop is a suspicious website. Detected as a fraudulent online store, its existence spans only 29 days. The site lacks a customer service phone number. The content lacks creativity, seemingly cloned from similar sites. It offers a deceptive range of goods, potentially risky due to the poor quality raw materials used in their creation. Fake […]


Customers have voiced concerns about Shopeverydayyoga.shop, reporting it as a deceptive online store. Based on these inputs, the website has been active for 32 days. Its content doesn’t exude genuineness and seems unoriginal, which is a red flag. The images on the site don’t truly represent the items they are supposed to sell. Moreover, their […]


Cryptominetoken.com perpetrates a fraudulent scheme in the realm of cryptocurrency. They promise substantial returns on investments, yet once you part with your money, it’s a different story. The fraudsters vanish with your funds. Major consumer review platforms don’t display any feedback about the company. The company’s presence on social media seems non-existent. Numerous pages on […]


Consumers have flagged Buxassets.com as an investment scam. The website, which is quite new with its domain name just 96 days old at the time of the report, promises high returns on investments. However, after investing, people find their money taken and the scammers gone. The content on the website is not original and appears […]

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