2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Extremeautosignals.com tricks people into thinking they will make big profits. After you invest, the scammers take your money and vanish. The phone numbers listed on the site don’t work. The address they show isn’t real. When discovered, the site was just 11 days old. No reviews exist outside their own pages.

An investment scam promises high returns with little risk. Scammers take your money and disappear, leaving you with nothing.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers promise high returns with little or no risk. These scams often involve convincing pitches about exclusive opportunities or insider information. Scammers may claim they have a secret strategy or access to lucrative markets. They frequently use high-pressure tactics to rush decisions. They might say the offer is time-sensitive or only available to a select few. Scammers often create fake documents and websites to appear legitimate. Promises of guaranteed profits and low risk are common. They may also use testimonials from supposed satisfied investors. Scammers manipulate emotions, playing on greed and fear of missing out. They target people seeking quick financial gains.


Finerynewshop.com, a relatively new website at only 91 days old, has come under scrutiny for being a fraudulent online store. Its legitimacy is in question as several pages within the site are still under construction, populated with default text and placeholder content typically seen in the development stage. It’s also worth noting that the content […]


Rhinostoners.com runs an investment scam. They promise high returns, but once you invest, they take your money and vanish. The website is new, only 10 days old. There is no customer service phone number. The address listed for the company is fake. The site has no social media followers. No reviews for the company exist […]


Reports indicate that Geniusmastertrading.com is a fraudulent investment scheme. They entice you with promises of significant returns on your investment, only to disappear with your money once you’ve invested. Various sections of their website are still under construction, populated with placeholder content and nonsensical text. The images showcased on their site are not authentic, and […]


Shoppinkdotstyles.shop faces accusations from buyers, claiming it operates a counterfeit store scam. When this complaint surfaced, the website had only been active for 32 days. The absence of a customer service phone number on the website raises eyebrows. The content on its pages seems copied from other like sites, lacking originality. The retailer sells goods […]


Digitalgainsltd.com, a website that has only been operational for less than a month, has been pinpointed as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Despite the website’s assurances of substantial profits from investments, it has been found that those who invest ultimately lose their money as the fraudsters suddenly disappear. One glaring concern is the absence of a […]

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