2 weeks ago


Investment scams

We have identified Broker-interactive.com as an investment scam. The website, only 11 days old at the time of detection, lacks a customer service phone number and features numerous unfinished pages with placeholder text. It promises high returns on investments, but once you invest, the scammers vanish with your money. Additionally, the company’s social media presence is almost non-existent.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers promise high returns to lure victims into investing money, only to disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
An investment scam tricks people into putting money into fake or misleading opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They might claim access to exclusive or secret information that guarantees profits. These promises lure people into believing they will make quick money. Scammers use various tactics to deceive. They may create fake websites or documents that look legitimate. Some use high-pressure sales tactics, urging quick decisions. Others might use social proof, showing fake testimonials from supposed satisfied investors. They often ask for personal information or upfront fees. The goal is to make the scam look as credible as possible. Victims often realize the truth only after losing their money.


Customers have reported Outdoorsrockingchairs.shop for operating a fraudulent online store. The products sold on this platform are knock-offs, potentially posing risks due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The site lacks a listed customer service phone number. Additionally, the website has been flagged for content plagiarism, mimicking other similar sites. Stock images are […]


Emtrictrade.com is a known investment scam. The website was only 10 days old when reported. The phone numbers on the site are disconnected. They claim to grow your money quickly, but once you invest, the scammers take the money and disappear. No reviews exist on major consumer review sites. The company doesn’t have any presence […]


Digitalxmanagement.ltd has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The site entices potential investors with promises of high returns, only for the fraudsters to disappear with the invested funds. Several sections of the website are still under construction, filled with pre-set text and content placeholders. The partnerships showcased on the site are entirely fictitious. Furthermore, […]


Furnberry.shop has come under scrutiny for allegedly being a fraudulent online store. This suspicion arose when the website was just 93 days into its operation. One glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number, which is typically a standard feature for legitimate businesses. Furthermore, the products featured on the site are […]


People have reported Mentrotradepo.com as an investment scam. They found out about it when the website was just 11 days old. There’s no customer service phone number. The site promises huge returns on your investment, but once you put your money in, the scammers disappear with it. You won’t find any social media profiles for […]

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