1 week ago


Investment scams

Astrocapital.site has been found to be running an investment scam. They claim to grow your money quickly, but when you invest, the scammers take your money and disappear. As of this report, the website is only 10 days old. There is no phone number for customer support. The website information is misleading, and the business doesn’t exist at the provided address. No reviews for the company can be found on popular consumer review sites. The company also has no followers on its social media accounts.

An investment scam is when someone tricks you into giving them money by promising high returns, but they take your money and vanish.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing people to invest money in fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They may claim to have insider information or exclusive deals. These promises lure victims into parting with their money. Scammers use persuasive tactics to build trust. They may create fake websites, testimonials, and documents. They often pressure victims to act quickly, saying the opportunity is limited. This urgency prevents people from thoroughly researching the investment. Victims may initially receive small returns to build confidence. Eventually, the scammer disappears with the invested funds. Victims realize too late that the opportunity was a fraud.


Americanfurnitureofslidell.shop is involved in a deceptive practice known as a fake store scam. The products listed for sale on this online platform are counterfeit and could potentially be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The authenticity of the website’s content raises questions, as it doesn’t reflect similar pages. Many pages on […]


Aloyoga-online.com has been flagged as a potentially deceptive online retailer, or “fake store scam”. The website was registered only 59 days ago, which raises some red flags. Unusually for an e-commerce site, there is no apparent customer service contact number. The content on the site doesn’t seem original, suggesting a lack of authenticity. All the […]


Shopluxefurniture.shop is currently under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which is a mere 110 days old, lacks a customer service phone number, raising suspicion. Furthermore, the site’s content appears to be replicated from other web pages, undermining its authenticity. The products displayed on the website are dubious, posing potential risks due […]


Altgoldinvestment.com is flagged as a scam. They promise big returns, but once you invest, they vanish with your money. The site was just 8 days old when discovered. There’s no trace of the company on social media. You won’t find any customer service contact number. Many pages on the site are incomplete and filled with […]


We’ve discovered that Pazar-global.com is misleading people with a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise exponential growth on your investment. However, once you’ve invested, the deceitful individuals vanish with your money. A glaring omission on the website is a customer service phone number. Furthermore, the company is not officially recognized in the state it claims to […]

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