2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Eliteprofxt.online is a scam. They promise high returns on your first investment, but once you deposit your money, they take it and disappear. Customer service numbers listed on the site don’t work. The business address is fake, and there are no reviews on major consumer review sites. Their social media presence is almost zero.

An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns, then the scammers disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam tricks individuals into investing money with the promise of high returns. Scammers often guarantee unrealistic profits with little or no risk. They may present fake testimonials or fabricated success stories to appear credible. These scams often urge quick decisions, creating a sense of urgency. Scammers use complex jargon to confuse potential investors. They may also claim to have insider information or exclusive opportunities. Often, they pressure victims to invest more money over time. Once they collect enough funds, they disappear, leaving investors with significant losses. Many scams target vulnerable individuals. They exploit trust and manipulate emotions. Victims often feel embarrassed and reluctant to report the crime.


Reports have surfaced regarding Dlleinvestment.com, indicating it’s nothing more than an investment scam. The enticing promise of substantial returns on your investment is merely a ruse; Once you invest, the scammers make off with your money. Despite a thorough search across various consumer review platforms, not a single review for the company was found. Images […]


Zeniumprime.com runs an investment scam. They promise high returns, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The website was only 103 days old when detected. There is no customer service phone number. The site has copied content from other pages, making it unoriginal. The business isn’t legally registered in the state it claims. […]


On February 20, 2022, Pursefectly.com was reported as a fake online store. The website is a newly registered domain name, with a registration date of December 9, 2023. At the time of the initial complaint, the website was only 65 days old. Despite Pursefectly.com’s claim of being a marketplace for used luxury brand purses, there […]


Eliteoptionscenter.com, a recently established website, is orchestrating a crypto scam. The domain name, just 121 days old at the time of reporting, lacks essential details such as a customer service number. The address provided on the site is fake and no official business name is given. Furthermore, the company has no presence on social media. […]


Homebeyonds.shop appears to be involved in a deceptive practice known as a fake store scam. The images shown on the site fail to provide a true representation of the products offered. Many of its pages remain incomplete, filled with generic content and placeholder text. Despite its online presence, the site lacks a following on social […]

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