2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Ramittrade.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The site promises high returns on your money, but once you send it, the scammers take it and vanish. No reviews for the company exist on well-known consumer review sites. The scam came to light when the website was just 9 days old. The company lacks any social media presence. They don’t provide a phone number for customer service on the site. Many pages on the website are incomplete, showing preset content and placeholder text.

Investment scams trick people into sending money with promises of high returns. The scammers then take the money and disappear, leaving the victims with nothing.

Red Flags

Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers trick individuals into investing money with promises of high returns. These scams often present opportunities that seem too good to be true, like guaranteed profits or risk-free investments. Scammers use persuasive tactics to gain trust, such as presenting fake testimonials or pretending to be financial experts. They may also create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to act quickly before they miss out on the "opportunity". Often, these scams involve complex jargon to confuse and impress potential victims. The scammers might also use official-looking documents and websites to appear legitimate. Once the victim invests, the scammers disappear with the money, leaving the investor with nothing.


Deokxdigitalglobal.com faces scrutiny over suspicions of orchestrating a crypto exchange scam. The website’s registration date was merely 43 days prior to the discovery of the possible fraud. Although they assured high returns on investment, once funds were transferred, the alleged fraudsters pocketed the money and vanished. The site features counterfeit reviews purportedly written by fabricated […]


On February 21, 2023, a user on ScamGuard reported Tarragonaguia.com as a fake online store. The website is a recently registered domain name, with a creation date of August 7, 2022. Tarragonaguia.com is selling counterfeit or imitation Reef brand clothing items. The website ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service, and no customer support […]


Swiftcapitalhub.com, a website only 146 days old, has been identified as an investment scam. The website lacks a customer service phone number and the address provided does not correspond to any known business location. Various pages on the site are still under construction, filled with default content and placeholder tags. The company is also noticeably […]


On February 28, 2023, Zeldracktransportlogistics.com was categorized as a re-shipping scam website. The domain was newly registered on March 3, 2022, and no physical address or company phone number is available on the website. Such websites are typically associated with employment or pet sale scams that involve re-shipping of goods. It is important to exercise […]


Elijahjasm.com, a website that is just over a month old, is operating a deceptive storefront hoax. The absence of a customer service phone number on the site raises a red flag. More worryingly, the website’s content seems to be a duplicate of existing websites, suggesting a lack of originality. The items on display are not […]

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