2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Pershinglimited.com is a fake investment site. They promise huge profits, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. When discovered, the site was just 9 days old. There’s no customer service phone number, and the company isn’t on social media at all.

An investment scam is when someone tricks you into giving them money by promising high returns, but they take your money and run.

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Missing Information

No phone numbers
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No social media
An investment scam involves tricking people into investing money in fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They might claim access to exclusive deals or insider information. These offers usually sound too good to be true. Scammers use persuasive language and high-pressure tactics to rush decisions. They may create fake websites or use professional-looking documents to appear legitimate. Some even impersonate reputable financial advisors or companies. Victims often realize the scam only after losing their money. The initial investment might show small returns to build trust, but larger investments quickly disappear. Scammers frequently disappear once they have collected enough funds.


Westlanddachshundpuppies.com stands accused of being a fraudulent pet site. Barely a month had passed since its creation when suspicions arose. A glaring omission is a contact number for customer service. It hosts deceptive images, not authentic ones. Several website pages remain under construction, packed with placeholder content and empty spaces. The company’s social media accounts […]


Festalyuletide.com, a mere 91-day-old website, has been identified as conducting a fraudulent store operation. The products offered are not genuine, which could potentially lead to harm due to the substandard materials used in their production. It’s been discovered that the website operates from China. The pictures displayed on the site are not authentic and the […]


Shoppalenmusic.shop, a newly launched website, is currently under scrutiny for its fraudulent activities. The domain name is a mere month old at the time of this investigation. Unusually, the website doesn’t offer a contact number for customer service. Its content comes across as suspiciously unoriginal, hinting at a possible replication of material from similar online […]


Alfrescousplus.com, a recently launched website, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The domain name, just 59 days old at the time of reporting, seems to be operating from China. The products listed on the site are counterfeit and potentially harmful, owing to the use of inferior quality materials in their production. The website […]


Shopfurnitureus.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, selling counterfeit items through their online platform. The products they advertise are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The company has yet to establish a presence on social media platforms, which is a common practice for legitimate businesses. A […]

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