2 weeks ago


Fake stores

A new website called Rookjapans.shop is running a fake store scam. The scam was found when the site was just 144 days old. Many pages on the site are incomplete and filled with default text. The website has copied content from other sites. The images on the site don’t actually show the real products. Many clues suggest the site operates from China. The site also has fake reviews from made-up customers.

A fake store scam involves a website pretending to sell products but never delivering them, often using copied content and fake reviews.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website
A fake store scam involves setting up a fraudulent online shop to trick people into making purchases. Scammers create a professional-looking website with attractive deals and discounts. They often promise high-quality products at unbelievably low prices. These fake stores use stolen images and fake reviews to build credibility. They may offer limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency. Scammers also use social media ads to reach a wider audience. After a purchase, customers either receive counterfeit items or nothing at all. The scammers disappear, leaving no way for victims to get refunds. They often use untraceable payment methods like gift cards or wire transfers. This makes it difficult to track them down and recover lost money.


Luxurioustools.com is currently operating a deceptive online store. The website, at the time of investigation, was just over three months old. Further examination indicates that the operation is likely based in China. Instead of actual product photos, the website employs generic stock images. The business, despite its claims, has no legal establishment in the state […]


Vituard.com, a website that has been active for only 91 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The customer service phone numbers listed on the site do not seem to be operational, leading to suspicions about its legitimacy. Furthermore, the information provided about the business is misleading, as the physical address given does […]


Kevindestin.com, a recently established website, operates a deceptive online store. The site’s administration appears to be based in China, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. The domain was a mere 91 days old when it was reported, suggesting a potentially fraudulent operation. Moreover, the images displayed on the site do not truthfully represent the products on […]


Assetmetrolimited.com runs an investment scam. The company lacks a presence on social media. The website promises big returns, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The site was only 742 days old when discovered. No reviews for the company exist on popular consumer review sites. This website’s content lacks originality, showing evidence […]


Alpinetradeio.com has been identified as an investment scam. The website promises huge returns, yet there are reports of deposits disappearing. The advertised online collaborations by this company are not real. You’ll find numerous under-construction pages on the site, filled with generic content and filler text. The images on the web page are misleading and do […]

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