2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Spartanloverst.shop has been flagged as a scam. The site is just 112 days old. It lists a fake business address and uses an unregistered business name. The reviews on the site are fake, written by people who don’t exist. The product pictures are misleading and don’t show the actual items for sale. Investigations suggest the operation is based in China.

A fake store scam tricks people into buying products from a website that doesn’t deliver what it promises.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered
A fake store scam involves creating a website that looks like a legitimate online store. Scammers design these sites to mimic real brands, using similar logos and layouts. They often promise huge discounts and deals that seem too good to be true. This entices shoppers to make purchases. Scammers use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions to build trust. They may also create fake reviews to make the site appear credible. After a purchase, customers usually receive nothing or a low-quality item. These sites disappear quickly after scamming enough people. Scammers often use social media ads to attract more victims. They also use limited-time offers to pressure customers into quick decisions.


Customers have flagged Lumiearners.com as a fraudulent investment site. This site promises high returns on investment, yet, once you provide your money, the fraudsters abscond with it. The site is filled with pages that are devoid of content, filled instead with generic placeholder text. It lacks any social media footprint, which is unusual in today’s […]


Reionline.top operates a scam under the guise of an online store. They use deceitful tactics to fool customers into purchasing items that are not only fake, but hazardous due to the low-grade materials used in their production. The website doesn’t offer any truly original content, and the pictures they use to portray their products are […]


Jamphel.com, a website that’s been around for 67 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. There’s no contact number listed for customer service, which is a red flag. The website’s content appears to be a carbon copy of other sites, which diminishes its authenticity. It’s also noticeable that the products showcased use stock […]


Capitallevitas.net has been noted as operating a deceptive scheme involving cryptocurrency exchange. The website, which was only 29 days old when the scam was detected, guarantees substantial returns on investments. However, once you invest, the money disappears into the pockets of the fraudsters. The website does not provide any contact phone number for customer service, […]


Sharkwale.com operates a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise you a substantial return on your investment. However, once you transfer your funds to them, the fraudsters vanish with your money. There is a lack of representation for this company, in the form of reviews, on renowned consumer review websites. The company is not present on any […]

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