2 weeks ago


Loan scams

We found that Verycharmss.shop runs a loan scam. The site is only 124 days old. The products shown are fake and might be unsafe due to poor materials. It appears to operate from China. The reviews are made up by fake customers. The business name isn’t registered in the state it claims.

A loan scam tricks people into paying fees for loans that don’t exist. Scammers often use fake websites and false promises to deceive victims.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake reviews
Recently registered
A loan scam involves fraudsters pretending to offer legitimate loans. They often promise quick approvals and low-interest rates. Scammers usually target people with poor credit or those in urgent need of money. They create fake websites and use official-looking documents to appear credible. These scammers ask for fees upfront, calling them processing fees or insurance payments. They might also request personal information, like Social Security numbers and bank account details. Once they receive the money or information, they disappear without providing the loan. Scammers use high-pressure tactics to rush decisions. They may claim the offer is limited-time only. They often avoid face-to-face meetings, preferring online or phone communication.


On March 1, 2023, a user reported that Verifywithsafety.com has been categorized as a phishing website. The website’s ownership is concealed through the use of a third-party privacy service. According to the website’s self-description, it is a “Marketing Aggregator Site” that employs various techniques to generate sales through its affiliates. However, the website’s services are […]


Paynesgray.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. Despite a thorough search, no reviews could be found on major consumer review platforms. The website is riddled with unfinished pages, default content, and placeholder text. It’s also noticeable that the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, there is no phone number […]


Our team has discovered that Shopuntamedpetals.shop is functioning as a fraudulent online store. The pictures showcased on this site are not authentic. This deceit was identified when the site was merely 110 days into its operation. A glaring omission on the website is the lack of a customer service contact number. The authenticity of the […]


Globalprimecapitals.com is an investment scam. At the time of this report, the website was only 11 days old and lacked a customer service phone number. There were no reviews on major consumer review platforms, and the company had no social media presence. Promising high returns, the scammers disappear with your funds once you invest. Additionally, […]


On March 10, 2023, it was reported that Phonomost.com is a fake website on the internet. The website is new, as it was registered on November 15, 2022. At the time of the complaint, the website had been up for about 100 days. The owner of the website is not known, because they used a […]

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