2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Excellenttrade.icu is running an investment scam. They promise big returns on your investment, but once you send them money, the scammers vanish with it. When discovered, the website was just 123 days old. The company had no presence on major consumer review sites. The website content is copied. The business name isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate from. Their social media presence is almost non-existent.

An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns, but the scammers take the money and disappear.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing individuals to invest in fake or high-risk opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to act quickly. These scams can appear as Ponzi schemes, where returns are paid to earlier investors using the capital from newer investors. Fraudsters may also use fake endorsements from celebrities or fabricated testimonials to build credibility. They often communicate through phone calls, emails, or social media. Scammers use complex jargon to appear knowledgeable and trustworthy. They may provide fake documents or websites to support their claims. Victims often realize the scam only after losing their money.


Platinacapitalgroup.com is a fake investment site. It was only 11 days old when people noticed the scam. They promise huge returns if you invest, but once you do, they disappear with your money. There’s no customer service phone number on the site. The people behind it are from another country. They hardly have any social […]


Ultimateoptionsinvestment.com, a website that’s been around for a little over three months, is under scrutiny for alleged fraudulent activities. The site promises significant growth on investments, only to abscond with the money once it’s invested. Notably, the website lacks a customer support phone number, a red flag for potential investors. Furthermore, the site displays reviews […]


On February 26, 2023, Ezdanex.com was flagged as a scam within the cryptocurrency category. This website is a recently registered domain name, having been registered on November 28, 2022. Despite claiming to offer legitimate crypto exchange and wallet services, it has been identified as a fraudulent operation aimed at stealing cryptocurrency from unsuspecting consumers. The […]


People have raised complaints about Smglobalsignal.com, stating it’s an investment scam. The site promises substantial returns on your investment. However, after you transfer your funds, it vanishes as the fraudsters behind the scam abscond with your money. The photos displayed on this site are misleading and not authentic. The content isn’t original, and evidence indicates […]


The website known as Shopthirteenlune.shop has been found to be involved in a counterfeit store scam. This discovery was made when the website was merely a month old. A conspicuous absence of a customer support phone number raises suspicion about its legitimacy. The items being sold on the site are not genuine, and the low-quality […]

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