2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Fibotracemarket.com is operating an investment scam. Detected when the site was just 120 days old, it lacks a customer service phone number and features unfinished pages filled with default content and placeholder text. The business is not legally registered in the state it claims, and its purported partnerships are fake. Additionally, the company has no presence on major consumer review platforms, raising further suspicions about its legitimacy.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are deceived into investing money with the promise of high returns, which are never realized.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake partnerships
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns. Scammers often claim their investment opportunity is low-risk and guarantees quick profits. They may use persuasive language and create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into acting fast. Scammers often present themselves as credible professionals. They might use fake testimonials and fabricated success stories to build trust. Some even create fake websites or documents to appear legitimate. Victims are lured by promises of exclusive opportunities. Scammers assure them that they have insider information or special access to high-yield investments. Once the money is handed over, the scammer disappears, leaving the victim with nothing.


We have discovered that Corporateunion.org is running a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises high returns on investments, but once you invest, the scammers abscond with your money. As of now, the website is only 35 days old and lacks a customer service phone number. The content on this site seems dubious, as it appears […]


Kidswholesalest.shop is a scam site. The content looks copied from other similar sites, showing a lack of originality. The products sold here are fake and might be dangerous because of poor-quality materials. There’s no phone number for customer service. The images on the site are fake. Many pages are incomplete and filled with placeholder text. […]


Creedsharefx.com, is unfortunately, a fraudulent investment operation. Although the site promises substantial returns on your initial deposit, the reality is once your money is transferred, the fraudsters disappear. The imagery displayed on the site bears no connection to the actual service offered. As of the time of this investigation, the site had been live for […]


Montrealcorp.com has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency platform. Despite its relatively young age of 80 days, it has already started to lure unsuspecting victims with the promise of substantial investment returns. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters vanish with the money. The company’s name isn’t officially registered in the state it purports […]


Cheetahcointrading.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. They entice potential investors with the promise of significant returns, only to disappear once they have your money. The phone numbers provided on the website are currently non-operational, and the business address listed is fabricated. Upon further investigation, we discovered numerous underdeveloped pages on the site, […]

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