2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Oaktrades.com, a new website, runs an investment scam. Discovered at just 102 days old, it isn’t registered in the state it claims to be from. The company promotes fake partnerships. The site has made-up reviews from fake customers and lists a bogus business address.

Investment scams trick people into putting money into fake opportunities, promising high returns that never come.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake partnerships
Fake reviews
Recently registered
An investment scam tricks people into investing money with the promise of high returns. Scammers often claim guaranteed profits with little or no risk. They might present fake testimonials or fabricated success stories to build credibility. These scams frequently involve complex jargon to confuse potential investors. Scammers may pressure individuals to act quickly, creating a sense of urgency. They often use official-looking documents and websites to appear legitimate. Victims may initially receive small returns to gain their trust. Once they invest more money, the scammers disappear. This leaves the victims with significant financial losses. Many people fall for these schemes because they seem too good to be true.


Cryptofxglobal.net, a new website on the block, has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. Promising high returns on your investments, the site operators slyly make away with your hard-earned money the moment you invest. An in-depth look into the site’s content reveals it to be far from original, with several sections appearing to be […]


Customers have raised concerns about Arredamentoit.com, alleging that it’s operating a deceptive store scam. When the issue came to light, the website had only been active for 76 days. It features fabricated reviews, supposedly from people who don’t exist. The site’s management seems to be based in China. Moreover, the images displayed on the site […]


Australiango.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products offered on this digital marketplace are counterfeit, potentially posing hazards due to the low-quality materials used in their manufacture. The website lacks a contact number for customer service. The images showcased on the site do not truthfully represent the items being sold. Many of […]


Mekongriver.shop, a website that’s been in operation for 55 days, is orchestrating a fraudulent online store scheme. The site is teeming with unfinished pages that are filled to the brim with unchanged content and placeholder notes. It’s also noticeable that the business has no social media presence whatsoever. The so-called customer service numbers provided on […]


Our investigations have revealed that Florininvestments.com is engaged in fraudulent investment activities. This discovery was made when the website was merely 34 days old. The website lacks a contact number for customer service. It promises substantial returns on investments, however, the reality is quite different. Once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money, leaving […]

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