2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Assetstraderlive.com has been flagged as a crypto exchange scam. The site was just 103 days old when discovered. You won’t find a phone number for customer service there. The site’s content looks copied from other similar websites. The company doesn’t have any social media presence. It isn’t legally registered in the state it says it’s based in.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent platform that pretends to offer cryptocurrency trading services but actually aims to steal users’ money or personal information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudsters creating a fake platform that mimics legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. They promise high returns on investments and offer attractive bonuses to lure victims. Scammers often use professional-looking websites and convincing marketing materials to appear credible. They may also impersonate reputable companies and create fake social media profiles. Victims are asked to deposit funds into their accounts, but when they try to withdraw, they encounter issues. The scammers may demand additional fees or simply disappear with the money. These scams often target individuals new to cryptocurrency trading. They exploit the complex nature of digital currencies and the lack of regulation in the industry.


Mtsgsb.com is operating a deceptive scheme that involves investments. They lure you in with promises of significant growth for your investment. However, once you’ve invested, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The website is riddled with incomplete pages filled with unmodified content and filler notes. A foreign entity owns and operates the site. When we […]


Luxurioustools.com is currently operating a deceptive online store. The website, at the time of investigation, was just over three months old. Further examination indicates that the operation is likely based in China. Instead of actual product photos, the website employs generic stock images. The business, despite its claims, has no legal establishment in the state […]


The online shop known as Pimpmyoffice.shop is operating under suspicious circumstances. It appears to be a fraudulent store, with no social media followers to speak of. The lack of reviews on well-known consumer review websites further raises eyebrows. The website itself is incomplete, with many pages still in draft form, filled with generic content and […]


Reports have emerged about Smcinvestingfx.com being implicated in an investment scam. The website, which was only 142 days old when the scam was detected, promises high returns on investments. However, after investors put their money in, the fraudsters disappear. The business isn’t legally established in the state it claims to operate from. The company’s presence […]


Australiango.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products offered on this digital marketplace are counterfeit, potentially posing hazards due to the low-quality materials used in their manufacture. The website lacks a contact number for customer service. The images showcased on the site do not truthfully represent the items being sold. Many of […]

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