2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Eliteglobalfinancial.com has been flagged for operating a crypto exchange scam. The website, only 103 days old at the time of detection, promises substantial returns on investments. However, once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The company name isn’t registered in the state it claims to be based in, and there is no presence on social media platforms. Additionally, no reviews for the company exist on major consumer review sites.

A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms that lure investors with promises of high returns, only to steal their funds and disappear.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
Crypto exchange scams often lure victims with promises of high returns and minimal risk. Scammers create fake websites or apps that mimic legitimate exchanges. They may claim to offer exclusive deals, bonuses, or guaranteed profits to entice users. Victims are usually asked to deposit funds into these fake platforms. Once the money is transferred, it becomes inaccessible. Scammers use sophisticated tactics to appear credible. These can include professional-looking websites, fake reviews, and even impersonating customer support. They may also pressure victims into making quick decisions. This can involve limited-time offers or threats of missed opportunities. The goal is to get people to act impulsively without verifying the legitimacy of the exchange.


A new website, Equilibriumfurnishingss.shop, is running a fake store scam. Major review platforms show no reviews for it. The company has no presence on social media. The content on the site looks copied from other similar sites, making it seem unoriginal. The products offered might be risky due to poor-quality materials. The domain name was […]


Reports are circling about Usdtassets.com in connection with an investment fraud scheme. The company lures investors with promises of handsome returns, only to disappear once the investment is made. An extensive search on popular customer review websites yields no reviews for this company. A visit to their website exposes pages still under construction, filled with […]


Cookwareussales.com, a website that’s barely two months old, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is a glaring red flag. The images displayed on the site are not genuine, further raising suspicion. We also observed multiple pages on the site that are still under construction, filled […]


Findsalecosershop.com, a recently launched website, is purportedly involved in a fraudulent online store scheme. The domain was registered just three months ago, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. Despite offering a wide array of products, the quality of the materials used to make them is questionable, making any purchases potentially risky. Evidence points to the website […]


Primark-shop.com, a newly established website just 42 days old, is reportedly involved in a dubious operation. The site lacks a customer service phone number, which makes it hard for customers to reach out for inquiries or complaints. Interestingly, the content on this site bears striking similarities to those on other web pages, raising questions about […]

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