2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Infinitecapitalex.com has been flagged as a crypto exchange scam. The site promises high returns on your first investment, but once you deposit, the scammers disappear with your money. No reviews exist outside their own pages. As of now, the site is 103 days old. The content seems questionable and doesn’t match other legitimate sources. There’s no customer service phone number listed. The business isn’t legally registered in the state it claims.

Crypto exchange scams trick people into depositing money with promises of high returns, then disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A crypto exchange scam often involves fraudulent platforms posing as legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. Scammers lure people with promises of high returns on investments. They often claim to offer exclusive trading opportunities. These fake exchanges usually have professional-looking websites. They might even use fake reviews and testimonials to build trust. Scammers ask users to create accounts and deposit funds. Once the money is deposited, it becomes difficult or impossible to withdraw. Scammers use tactics like fake customer support. They may also employ phishing attacks to steal personal information. They might even create fake social media profiles to promote their scam. The goal is to deceive people into parting with their money.


Kccpatchessa.shop runs a fake store scam. The website copies content from other sites. The products sold are fake and could be dangerous because they use low-quality materials. Many pages on the site are still being built and have placeholder text. The company’s social media accounts have no followers. No reviews exist for the company on […]


There have been multiple consumer reports indicating that Evaofstore.com is participating in a fraudulent store scheme. The website’s content appears to be plagiarized from other sites, and the graphics do not accurately represent the merchandise being sold. Moreover, the website’s recent registration raises eyebrows – at the time of these reports, the domain name was […]


Gemprofix.com runs an investment scam. Detectives caught it when the site was just 10 days old. There’s no customer service number. The address listed is fake. They promise high returns, but once you invest, they take your money and disappear. Major review platforms show no reviews for this site. Investment scams trick people into putting […]


Fundvistax.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The site promises substantial returns on your investment, however, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The content on the site is not original and the site itself is relatively new, having been registered a mere 98 days ago at the time of this […]


Reports have emerged about a recent crypto exchange scam conducted by Brokerinteraktive.com. The website, which has been in operation for only 81 days, has no customer service phone number listed. Furthermore, it purports to operate under a business name that is not actually registered in the state that the company claims to be located in. […]

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