3 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Optimumgrowthventuresltd.com has been flagged as a crypto exchange scam. The site was registered recently. When checked, the domain was just 102 days old. They promise big returns on your investment, but once you deposit money, the scammers disappear with it. The content on the website is copied. No reviews for the company are available. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers create fake websites to steal money from investors.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
Crypto exchange scams trick people into believing they are investing in legitimate cryptocurrency platforms. Scammers often promise high returns with little to no risk. They may showcase fake testimonials and fabricated success stories to build trust. These scams frequently use professional-looking websites and persuasive marketing. They encourage victims to deposit money quickly, offering bonuses or limited-time offers to create urgency. Once funds are transferred, the scammers disappear or make it difficult to withdraw the money. Scammers also use phishing tactics, sending emails or messages that appear to be from reputable exchanges. They ask for personal information or login credentials, which they then use to steal funds.


Modewimwear.com, a recently launched website, is under suspicion for running a fake store scam. The domain was registered only 128 days ago at the time of this report. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising red flags. Further, the products displayed on the website are merely stock images, not actual photos. The company’s […]


Customers have reported Avortrade.com for executing a crypto exchange swindle. The website, only 24 days old when the complaints came in, lured investors with promises of substantial returns. Yet, once the investment was made, the fraudsters absconded with the funds. A missing customer service contact number is a noticeable flaw on the site. It also […]


Superfashionmode.com, a relatively new website at just 131 days old, has been flagged as a counterfeit store scam. The site lacks a customer service phone number, making it difficult for customers to reach out for assistance. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products being sold, which is a common red […]


Tidexglobals.com, a website that’s been active for 142 days, is involved in an investment scam. It lacks a customer service phone number, a crucial element for any legitimate business. The location details given on the site are misleading and false. The company has no presence on social media platforms, a red flag in today’s digital […]


Neighbourusa.shop operates a counterfeit store scheme. The website’s registration is recent. The domain name, when reported, was a mere 32 days old. The website lacks a visible customer service number. The website’s content is far from original, it mirrors the content of similar sites. The images on this site misrepresent the products for sale. Numerous […]

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