2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Toptierinvest.com has been identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange. Promising substantial returns, the scammers vanish with your investment. The site, just 103 days old at the time of detection, lacks a customer service phone number. It mimics content from similar websites and operates under an unregistered business name in the state it claims to be based in.

Crypto exchange scams lure investors with promises of high returns, only to disappear with their funds.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms pretending to be legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. Scammers create convincing websites or apps that mimic real exchanges. They promise high returns on investments and low fees to attract users. These scams often use fake testimonials and endorsements from celebrities to build trust. They might offer bonuses or incentives for depositing funds quickly. Once users deposit their money, the scammers make it difficult or impossible to withdraw funds. Scammers also use phishing tactics to steal personal information. They send emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate exchanges, tricking users into providing their login details. Once they have access, they steal the user's funds.


Consumers have flagged Decentralisedincome.live as a crypto scam. The website, only 122 days old at the time of the report, lacks a customer service phone number. A bogus address is displayed as the company’s location. Interestingly, the business name they operate under isn’t registered in the state they claim to be based in. The company […]


The website Premiumfxcrypto.online has raised concerns due to its potential involvement in a crypto exchange scam. The site’s registration is recent, with the domain name only 15 days old at the time of this report. It creates an illusion of potential high returns on investment, but after investment, the fraudsters take the money and vanish. […]


Boutix.ch is a website that has been discovered as a possible phony shopping scheme. A closer look at the site reveals numerous pages that are incomplete, filled with generic content and placeholder text instead of specific details. There’s no official business name visible on the site, raising further questions about its legitimacy. Additionally, the site’s […]


Showerroomvintage.com, an online retailer, has garnered consumer complaints alleging it to be a sham operation. The dubious business practices were identified when the website was barely 55 days in operation. It lacks a contact number for customer service, creating suspicion around its legitimacy. The content’s originality on the website raises eyebrows as it seemingly mimics […]


People have reported Baseballustotal.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The items showcased on this site are not genuine and could pose a risk due to the poor quality materials used in their manufacture. The business address listed on the site is not real. When discovered, the site had been active for only 92 days. […]

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