2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Cryptopinia.com is running a crypto scam. The website is only 102 days old. It has stolen content from other sites. The business isn’t legally registered where it says it is. No reviews exist for the company on major review platforms. They also have no social media profiles.

Crypto scams trick people into sending money or personal information by pretending to be legitimate cryptocurrency businesses or investments.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam often involves fraudulent schemes where scammers promise high returns on cryptocurrency investments. They lure victims by claiming guaranteed profits with minimal risk. These scams usually operate through fake websites, social media, or phishing emails. Scammers create a sense of urgency, pressuring individuals to invest quickly. They often use fake testimonials and endorsements from celebrities or influencers to build credibility. Some scams involve Ponzi schemes, where returns for older investors are paid using the capital from new investors. Victims are typically asked to transfer their cryptocurrency to a scammer's wallet, with the promise of receiving even more in return. Once the transfer is made, the scammer disappears, leaving the victim with nothing. These scams exploit people's fear of missing out on lucrative opportunities in the rapidly growing crypto market.


Consumers have raised concerns about Captrustllc.com, alleging that it’s involved in an investment scam. The website, which was only 81 days old at the time of these complaints, lacks a customer service phone number. Interestingly, the company claims to operate in a certain state, but there’s no record of its registration there. Promises of significant […]


A new website called Rometechcasesst.shop is running a fake store scam. They copied the content from other sites. Many pages are still in draft mode, filled with default text and placeholders. The scam was found when the site was just 142 days old. The products sold on this site are not real and might be […]


Procontract.net operates a crypto exchange scam, confirmed after thorough investigation. Several pages on the site remain underdeveloped, filled with unedited text and numerous placeholder notes. Control of the site falls in the hands of foreign entities. The company’s social media footprint? Practically invisible. A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent activities using cryptocurrency. Scammers set up […]


Avalancheaifx.com has come under scrutiny from consumers who accuse the site of perpetrating an investment scam. The scheme is designed to allure potential investors with the promise of substantial returns. However, once they commit their money, the fraudsters vanish, leaving the investors out of pocket. An examination of the website reveals several incomplete pages loaded […]


Mysterygiveaways.com employs deceptive advertising tactics by falsely informing individuals that they have won a prize that can be delivered to them for a nominal fee. Nevertheless, when clicking on the advertisement and proceeding to the website, visitors are prompted to enter their personal details and credit card information to enroll in a trial, which may […]

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