2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Capitaleliteasset.com is known for being a crypto exchange scam. The website was only 103 days old when reported. It claims to operate under a business name not registered in the state it says it’s based in. Customer service phone number isn’t listed on the site. They promise big profits if you invest, but when you do, the scammers take your money and vanish. The company’s social media accounts have no followers.

Crypto exchange scams trick people into investing in fake platforms, then steal their money.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms pretending to offer cryptocurrency trading services. Scammers create fake websites or apps that look legitimate to lure users. They promise high returns on investments and low transaction fees. These platforms often feature fake testimonials and flashy graphics to gain trust. Scammers use social engineering tactics to deceive people. They may impersonate well-known figures in the crypto community or send phishing emails. Once users deposit their funds, the scammers disappear, leaving victims without their money. They may also request personal information for identity theft. Many scams also involve fake customer support. They persuade users to share sensitive information under the guise of helping them resolve issues.


Ecos-trader.com, a website promising high returns on investments, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. Investors are enticed with the promise of significant profits, only for their deposited funds to be stolen by the scammers. The company has no visible reviews and the graphics on the site do not accurately represent the product being sold. […]


Bitqwise.com has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency platform. This discovery was made just 144 days after the website’s launch. Interestingly, the site lacks a customer service phone number, a red flag for potential users. Furthermore, the address provided on the website is fictitious, raising more suspicions about its legitimacy. Surprisingly, the company has no […]


On February 17, 2023, Theprosperloan.com was reported as a loan scam. This website was registered on June 20, 2022, and it is a newly established domain. The site owner has opted to conceal their identity through a third-party privacy service, and no customer support number is provided. The reviews posted on the website are fraudulent, […]


Classifiedreloadz.com, a relatively new site that’s been active for only 54 days, is allegedly perpetuating a fraudulent online store scheme. The absence of a customer support phone number raises eyebrows. This, coupled with content that appears to be copied from other similar sites, casts doubt on the site’s originality. The use of stock images for […]


People have expressed concerns about Rdxeshop.com, citing it as a fraudulent online retailer. The website’s content seems to be borrowed from other like-minded sites, which casts doubts on its authenticity. What’s more, the product images displayed are misleading and do not accurately depict the items on sale. Many sections of the website are still under […]

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