2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Bitblocktrade.com is a crypto scam. The website was only 102 days old when it was detected. It promises big returns on your investment, but once you invest, the scammers take your money and disappear. There’s no phone number for customer service on the site. The online partnerships it claims are fake. Not a single review for the company is found on popular consumer review sites. This site seems to use copycat tactics, taking content from other similar websites.

Crypto scams trick people into investing money in fake cryptocurrencies or platforms, then steal the funds.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A crypto scam involves tricking people into investing in fraudulent cryptocurrency schemes. Scammers often promise high returns with little risk. They claim their new coin or investment platform is the next big thing. Scammers use tactics like fake endorsements from celebrities. They create professional-looking websites and social media profiles. They may also use phishing emails to steal personal information. Victims are lured by the promise of quick profits. They are encouraged to invest more money. Once the scammer has enough funds, they disappear. Many people lose their entire investments. Crypto scams prey on the desire to get rich quickly. They exploit the complexity of cryptocurrency. Be cautious and do thorough research before investing.


Brighttrustlimited.org is operating a deceitful scheme. They lure you with the guarantee of large gains on your investment. However, once you part with your money, the fraudsters disappear without a trace. Oddly, their posted address turns out to be non-existent upon verification. Furthermore, the legitimacy of the business is questionable as there is no registration […]


Chillbody.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The content on this website lacks uniqueness, suggesting it’s been copied from similar websites. The scam came to light when the website was barely three months old. The absence of a customer service phone number on the site raises further suspicions. The products offered on this […]


Optimumgrowthventuresltd.com has been flagged as a crypto exchange scam. The site was registered recently. When checked, the domain was just 102 days old. They promise big returns on your investment, but once you deposit money, the scammers disappear with it. The content on the website is copied. No reviews for the company are available. There’s […]


Reports have surfaced about Wavescapital.org, indicating it as a fraudulent investment scheme. The website entices potential investors with the allure of significant returns on their initial investment. However, the reality is far from this promise. The scammers operating the website take the deposited money and disappear without a trace. The website lacks a phone number […]


It’s been discovered that the website Equitytrustbase.com is running a scam under the guise of a cryptocurrency exchange. Promising high returns on investments, these fraudsters take your money, only to vanish without a trace. The scam came to light when the fraudulent website was just 78 days old. Despite claiming to be a legitimate business, […]

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