3 weeks ago


Collection scam

Arexainvest.com is running a collection scam. Their customer service phone number isn’t available on the site. The associations the company mentions on its website aren’t real. Fake reviews from made-up customers flood the website. It has no followers on social media.

A collection scam tricks people into paying money for fake debts or services.

Red Flags

Fake partnerships
Fake reviews

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A collection scam involves fraudsters pretending to be debt collectors. They contact individuals, claiming they owe money for unpaid bills or loans. Scammers often use aggressive tactics to intimidate their targets. They may threaten legal action, wage garnishment, or arrest. Scammers promise to settle the debt for a reduced amount if paid immediately. They create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into making quick decisions. They often request payment through untraceable methods like wire transfers or gift cards. Fake collection agencies may use official-sounding names and sophisticated technology to appear legitimate. They might even have personal information about the victim, making their claims seem credible. These tactics make it difficult for people to recognize the scam.


A new site called Bitmining.online is running a crypto exchange scam. The domain is just 103 days old. There’s no customer service phone number on the site. The company lacks any social media presence. It isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate from. A crypto exchange scam tricks people into thinking they are […]


Mercisoldes.com operates an online scam disguised as a legitimate store. This website, which has been active for a mere 52 days, lacks a significant social media presence, with virtually no followers on any platform. Additionally, the absence of a customer service phone number raises questions about its legitimacy. The site’s authenticity is further questioned due […]


Jamphel.com, a website that’s been around for 67 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. There’s no contact number listed for customer service, which is a red flag. The website’s content appears to be a carbon copy of other sites, which diminishes its authenticity. It’s also noticeable that the products showcased use stock […]


Bit-gpt.org is currently involved in a deceptive cryptocurrency scheme. This fraudulent activity was discovered when the website was merely 75 days into its operation. Interestingly, the website lacks a contact number for customer service, which raises suspicion. Furthermore, the testimonials showcased on the site are not genuine, but rather, they are concocted and do not […]


Bestsoftballsale.com seems to be involved in a fraudulent scheme, impersonating a legitimate online store. Rather than offering genuine products, the website is filled with inauthentic content, which doesn’t seem to be original. The merchandise for sale on the site is counterfeit and poses a risk due to its substandard quality. The product images used on […]

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