1 month ago


Crypto scams

Invest-nova.org, a newly registered domain, is running a crypto exchange scam. The business name it uses isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate from. No reviews exist for this company on major consumer review sites. The website lacks social media followers and contains default content and placeholder text on several incomplete pages.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent platform that pretends to offer cryptocurrency trading services but aims to deceive users and steal their funds.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam often involves fake platforms that appear legitimate. Scammers create websites mimicking real exchanges. They promise high returns on investments. These sites lure users with attractive offers and bonuses. Scammers use tactics like creating urgency. They may claim limited-time offers or exclusive deals. They often employ fake testimonials and endorsements. These endorsements appear to come from well-known figures. This builds a false sense of trust. Once users deposit funds, the scammers make it difficult to withdraw. They may demand additional fees or verification steps. Some even disappear entirely, leaving users with no access to their money. The goal is to extract as much money as possible before disappearing.


Ventas-venture.ltd, a relatively new website at just 119 days old, has been identified as an investment scam. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. Additionally, the business address listed on the site remains unverified. The website is under the control of an overseas company or individuals. […]


T-m.global is running a crypto exchange scam. The website is only 102 days old. The customer service numbers don’t work. They post fake reviews from made-up people. The site copies content from other similar websites. The business name isn’t registered in the state it says it’s in. Their online partnerships are fake. A crypto exchange […]


Univers-electromenager.com is operating a deceptive business. The products they offer are not authentic and may pose risks due to the substandard materials used in their production. A lack of innovation is apparent in the materials used on this website, as they seem to be a mere copy of other similar websites. The images showcased on […]


Consumers have lodged complaints against Bitmetro.online for orchestrating an investment scheme. They seduce you with the promise of a high return on your investment. However, once you invest, the fraudsters simply take your money and disappear. Despite being a company in the digital age, it lacks a robust presence on social media. The website is […]


Zenthtrading.com is a new website running an investment scam. It was found only 24 days after it was created. The site lacks a customer service phone number and the address listed is fake. The company isn’t on social media either. Many pages on the site are incomplete, filled with unfinished content and notes. Be cautious […]

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