2 months ago


Investment scams

Blockbit-cc.com is a scam. The site is new, only 164 days old when we checked. It doesn’t list a phone number for support. They don’t mention their official business name anywhere. You won’t find them on social media. No reviews exist outside their own pages.

An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns.

Red Flags

Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns. Scammers often promise guaranteed profits with little or no risk. They may claim to have inside information or special expertise. These promises are usually too good to be true. Scammers use persuasive tactics to build trust. They might create fake testimonials or use professional-looking websites. They often pressure victims to act quickly, saying the opportunity is limited. Some scams involve fake investment portfolios or complex jargon to appear legitimate. Victims often realize the scam only after losing their money. By then, the scammers have disappeared. These scams can be sophisticated and difficult to detect.


Cryptotint.com is currently under scrutiny for engaging in fraudulent investment activities. The company lures investors with the promise of substantial returns. However, once the investment is made, the so-called perpetrators disappear without a trace, along with the invested funds. Interestingly, the company’s social media footprint is almost invisible. In addition, their website is riddled with […]


Many consumers have raised concerns about Sarisandthings.shop, alleging that it’s a fraudulent online store. The variety of items displayed for sale on the website may seem tempting, but they could pose a potential risk due to the substandard raw materials used in their production. The content on the website doesn’t seem to be original, but […]


Swiftinvestcorp.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The website promises substantial returns on investments, but once the money is deposited, the fraudsters abscond with it. The business address listed on the website is a sham, and the company is not legally registered in the state it claims to be. The customer service numbers […]


Fountainassets.live has been flagged as an investment scam. The site promises high returns on your investments, but once you put your money in, the scammers vanish with it. The website is new, only 103 days old at the time of this report. You won’t find a customer service phone number on the site. The company […]


The online shop known as Pimpmyoffice.shop is operating under suspicious circumstances. It appears to be a fraudulent store, with no social media followers to speak of. The lack of reviews on well-known consumer review websites further raises eyebrows. The website itself is incomplete, with many pages still in draft form, filled with generic content and […]

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