2 months ago


Fake stores

Stelydress.com, a mere 144 days old, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The absence of a customer service phone number is one of the red flags. The site is known for marketing counterfeit items, potentially hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. Furthermore, the images displayed on the website do not accurately represent the products being sold. Additionally, the company lacks any presence on social media platforms.

A fake store scam involves a deceptive online store that sells counterfeit products or doesn’t deliver purchases at all. These scams often use misleading images and lack customer service options.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive practice. Scammers create a fake online store that appears legitimate. They offer products at attractive prices to lure unsuspecting customers. The scammers collect payment but never deliver the goods. They may use professional-looking websites and even fake customer reviews to appear authentic. They often promise quick delivery and easy returns to gain your trust. Sometimes, they use pressure tactics like limited stock or time-bound offers to rush you into making a purchase. In some cases, they may even misuse your credit card information for other fraudulent activities. These scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it difficult for the average consumer to distinguish between real and fake online stores.


Erinmark.top operates a deceptive online shop. The content on this website appears to mirror similar sites, suggesting it might be duplicating information. Images showcased on the site fail to accurately portray the products being sold. Unfinished pages, filled with default content and placeholder text, are scattered throughout the website. Furthermore, the company’s presence on social […]


Globalsmartcore.com, a recently established website, has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The site promises substantial returns on your initial investment, but once you deposit your funds, the fraudsters disappear with your money. The website was only 96 days old at the time of this discovery. Unfortunately, there is no customer service phone number […]


Bitronika.com is actively engaging in fraudulent activities. The company falsely promises significant growth on your investments. However, after an individual invests, the deceitful individuals behind the website abscond with the funds. The website, noticeably, lacks any social media following, pointing to its lack of legitimacy. Additionally, many underdeveloped pages are present on the website, filled […]


Binanceinvestments.net has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. They lure investors with the promise of high returns, only to disappear with the funds once they have been transferred. The company’s presence on social media platforms is non-existent. The website is littered with incomplete pages, filled with default content and placeholder text. The so-called online […]


The website Ipic-miners.cloud is believed to be conducting deceptive investment operations. They make grandiose promises of high returns on your investment, but once you transfer your funds, they vanish along with your money. The phone numbers listed on their site don’t seem to work anymore. The address of their supposed business premises mentioned on the […]

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