2 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have reported Schlegelcheap.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, recently established, is only 143 days old as per the report. It lacks a customer service phone number, making it difficult for buyers to reach out for assistance. Furthermore, the images displayed on the site don’t accurately represent the products they’re selling. Interestingly, the company has no presence on any social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a website poses as a legitimate online shop, but in reality, it’s designed to defraud customers. They typically display misleading product images, lack customer service, and have no social media presence.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam happens when fraudsters create a fake online storefront. They lure customers with significantly lower prices for popular items. These items could range from electronics, designer clothes, to high-end cosmetics. The scammers make the website look legitimate, complete with product descriptions, customer reviews, and secure payment methods. They might even promise fast, free shipping, and easy returns to make the deal more attractive. However, once the payment is made, the order never arrives. The fake store disappears, leaving no trace behind. The customer is left with a lighter wallet, and no way to get their money back. This is the harsh reality of a fake store scam.


Reports have identified Walkingdesigner.com as a deceptive online store. It has been in operation for 59 days as of this report. The business address listed on the website is unauthentic. Unfortunately, there is no customer service phone number on the website. In addition, the company is notably absent on social media platforms. There’s also no […]


Eliteminerfx.com runs a crypto exchange scam. The website popped up recently, only 103 days old. It promises big profits for initial investments but scammers take the money and vanish. No customer service phone number is available. The partnerships listed are fake. The business name isn’t registered with the secretary of state. They copied content from […]


A new website, Stamfordfx.online, is running an investment scam. When discovered, the site was just 9 days old. The address listed for the company doesn’t exist. The phone numbers on the site don’t work. The companys reviews are missing. There are no followers on its social media pages. Investment scams trick people into giving money […]


Consumers have flagged Pojkklader.com for conducting fraudulent business activities. The website, with a domain name just 57 days old at the time of this revelation, is freshly registered. It has been observed that the content on this site lacks uniqueness, apparently copied from other similar websites. The products displayed on the website are deceptive, posing […]


People have flagged Ritrotrade.com as a fraudulent investment platform. It promises hefty returns on your money, but once you invest, the con artists behind it vanish with your funds. The website conspicuously lacks a customer service phone number. It also doesn’t display any registered business name, raising more red flags. Its presence on social media […]

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