2 months ago


Investment scams

Intereststocktrade.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment scheme. Despite being a relatively new website, just 143 days old at the time of discovery, it raised several red flags. The contact numbers listed on the site are non-functional, and the company’s provided address is incorrect. Moreover, the business is not registered in the state it claims to operate from. The company is conspicuously absent from social media and popular consumer review platforms. The website promises substantial returns on initial investments, but once the money is deposited, the fraudsters disappear with it.

An investment scam is a deceptive operation where fraudsters trick individuals into investing money with promises of high returns. However, once the money is deposited, the scammers disappear, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme. Scammers promise high returns with little risk. They often use persuasive tactics and technical jargon. These fraudsters create a sense of urgency. They pressurize potential victims to invest immediately. They may even offer a bonus for quick decisions. Scammers also provide false credentials. They may claim to be part of reputable financial institutions. They use this tactic to gain trust. They often target vulnerable groups. These include the elderly and those in financial distress. In some cases, scammers use pyramid schemes. They pay returns to earlier investors using funds from more recent investors. This model is unsustainable and eventually collapses. Remember, if an investment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Octabitfx.com, a 121-day-old website, is orchestrating a cryptocurrency scam. The phone numbers listed on the site are currently out of service. The address provided for the business doesn’t exist. Despite claiming to operate from a specific state, the business doesn’t seem to be registered there. The website lacks a social media presence, with no followers […]


Chimneycrickets.shop is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they claim to sell. The content on the site lacks uniqueness and seems to be a direct copy from similar websites. The products sold on this site are not genuine […]


A new website, Zizzii.com, runs a fake store scam. They sell copied goods that might be unsafe due to poor quality materials. Experts found the site is based in China. The images on the website are fake. When this report was made, the site was 104 days old. The reviews are not real and are […]


Eminenttool.com, a website that has only been active for 52 days, is operating an elaborate scam posing as a legitimate online store. Despite claiming to be based in a particular state, there’s no legal record of the business in that location. Furthermore, the authenticity of the products listed on the site is questionable, with the […]


The Lorranova.site is allegedly involved in an investment fraud scheme. It promises sizable returns on investments, yet it appears the funds are taken by the fraudsters involved. Many sections of the website are still under construction, populated with placeholder content and filler texts. The website falsely asserts various partnerships. The products it purports to sell […]

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