2 months ago


Investment scams

Vltavatrade.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The website, which was only 146 days old when the scam was detected, is owned and operated by a foreign entity. There’s no phone number provided for customer service, and the business address mentioned on the site is incorrect. Furthermore, the company lacks any social media presence. The scammers promise substantial growth on your investment, but once you invest, they vanish with your money.

Investment scams are deceptive schemes where fraudsters promise high returns on investments. However, after the victim invests their money, the scammer absconds with the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Foreign company
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It involves convincing individuals to invest money in false opportunities. Scammers promise high returns and minimal risk. They use persuasive tactics to gain trust. Typically, the fraudster will present an exclusive opportunity. They may claim it's only available for a limited time. This creates a sense of urgency. The scammer might use complex jargon. This can make the investment seem more legitimate. They may also show fake documents to prove the investment's success. Unfortunately, once the money is invested, it's often lost forever. The scammer disappears, and the investment is revealed to be nonexistent.


Shopoldbonesco.shop is a website that’s been flagged for running a deceptive operation. The products offered on this site are counterfeit, posing potential risks due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website’s content is not original, but rather copied from other sources. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the […]


Premiumcoinpro.com, a website that’s only 145 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. The contact numbers listed on the site are disconnected, and the physical address of the business is unverifiable. Furthermore, the company seems to have no presence on social media, and there are no reviews to be found. The site […]


Polancefuture.com has recently come under scrutiny for operating an investment fraud. Investors are lured in with the promise of substantial returns, only to find their money gone and the perpetrators missing in action once they’ve invested. Contacting them proves to be impossible, as the phone numbers provided on their website seem to be out of […]


Profixcapital.com is a scam. The site just got registered. It’s only been around for 9 days. They promise big profits on initial investments but it’s a trick. Scammers take your money and vanish. They list a fake business address. No customer service phone number is available. The company isn’t on social media at all An […]


The website Verawangwell.com is operating a deceptive retail scheme. As of the report’s date, the site had been active for 52 days. The site lacks a visible customer service phone number, making it difficult for buyers to reach out for support. The content on this website seems to mirror that of similar online marketplaces, suggesting […]

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