2 months ago


Crypto scams

Cudotechmining.com, a newly established website, is involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The domain name, only 140 days old at the time of reporting, lacks a customer service contact number. The address provided for the business is also incorrect. There’s no trace of the company on any social media platforms. Promising substantial returns on investments, the website lures in unsuspecting investors. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme that involves the use of cryptocurrencies. Scammers often promise high returns on investments and use various tactics to deceive people into investing their money. Once the investment is made, the scammers disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Crypto scams are prevalent in the digital world. They are fraudulent schemes that involve cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. Scammers often promise high returns or "guaranteed profits" to lure victims in. The tactics they use are diverse. Some pretend to be famous figures or reputable companies. They ask for a small amount of cryptocurrency with the promise of sending back a larger amount, which never happens. Others create fake initial coin offerings (ICOs). They advertise new cryptocurrencies that don't actually exist. Once they've collected funds from investors, they disappear. Ponzi and pyramid schemes are also common in the crypto space. Scammers promise high returns to early investors, but these profits are simply payouts from the funds of later investors. When the flow of new investors slows, the scheme collapses. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Hudsonfurniture.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, selling counterfeit products. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the actual items for sale. The items featured on this site are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. A thorough examination of the website’s data reveals […]


Timeedgecapital.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. The site lures potential investors with the allure of significant returns. However, once an investment is made, the scammers abscond with the funds. The lack of reviews on major online platforms raises a red flag. Moreover, the absence of the company’s presence on social media platforms […]


Plethoraassets.com, a relatively new website, has been flagged as an investment scam. Despite being only 121 days old at the time of discovery, it lacked key features such as a customer service phone number. The business name it purported to operate under was not registered in the state it claimed to be located in. Additionally, […]


Morrisbk.net operates a fraudulent scheme masquerading as a promising investment opportunity. They tempt potential investors with assurances of striking profit percentages on initial investments. However, upon depositing money, the deceitful operators abscond with the funds. A glaring red flag is the company’s almost invisible social media footprint. Additionally, a closer look at their website reveals […]


Brighttrustlimited.org is operating a deceitful scheme. They lure you with the guarantee of large gains on your investment. However, once you part with your money, the fraudsters disappear without a trace. Oddly, their posted address turns out to be non-existent upon verification. Furthermore, the legitimacy of the business is questionable as there is no registration […]

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